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American Dream

  • Puritians

    The Puritians fled religious persecution in England and settled in New England and began a new way of life for themselves, which ties to the American Dream because the people began to learn the accomplishments from self-reliance.
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  • Poor Richards Almanac

    Poor Richards Almanac
    Benjamin Franklin wrote the "Poor Richards Almanac" for the Americans of Early Republic's way of life. This helped the people see how hardwork pays off.
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  • Declaration of Independence

    Showed the people they can pursue their goals and further reach the American Dream.
  • Manifest Destiny

    American progresses to expand America for the Manifest Destiny. It was beileved to be an American destiny.
  • Industrialism

    The Industrial Revolution. The people take initiative to make America better and expand economic independence,
  • Tales of Horatio Alger

    After the civil war, these tales showed people the benefits of hard work. It showed the people they can go from having very little, to becoming very successful.
  • Consummerism

    The idea of materialistic goods became popular when possesions became more desireable in American life.
  • Women's Suffrage

    Women gain the right to vote and have a say in government. People are learning they can gain acceptance in society and have a status in government.
  • Assembly Line

    Assembly Line
    The assembly line gave a shift in work ethic of the people. WWII had material goods the spurred the American Dream.
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  • Credit Card

    People learn the use of credit cards to pay for things and handle their wealth with a "get rich quick"attitude and need to feel accepted in society with their purchases.
  • FDR New Deal

    made sure people could fullfill a "better and richer and fuller" life during the Great Depression and helped them get through it by aiding the people with jobs to keep moving along.
  • Social Security Act

    This act is to make sure a person has a "safe old age" and is protected in the future financially. The American dream persues complete happiness, and social security shows that long hard work will eventually pay off.
  • The Saturday Evening Post

    A magazine with the "Four Freedom" FDR had to keep human security
  • Compensation Lawsuits

    People began compensation lawsuits to get easy money by injuries. There is thousands of lawsuts each year. It became an ethic of luck toget rich quick without hard work.
  • Benjamin Franklin counseled people

    He wrote "The Way to Wealth" that helped people learn about money and counesled them.
  • Lottery

    The lottery became an easy way to get money with minimal effort.
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  • "Who Wants to be a Millionare"

    A gameshow that became very popular as an easy way to "get rich quick". This proves that everybody wants something for nothing.
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  • Barack Obama elected

    Black president fullfilling the American Dream. This is something never expected to happen and shows that anything can be done.