American Civil War Timeline

  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    Lincolns Vitory in the election
    Cause: Lincoln beat all his rivals by gettign all the Northern states to vate for him none of the southern states voted with him
    Effect: Southern states started succeding
  • Period: to

    Civil War

  • Attack on Fort Sumter

    Attack on Fort Sumter
    South attacked the last fort in the Union
    Cause: When the confederacy was established they took over Union buildings and stuff
    Effect: Fort Sumter fell but provoked Lincoln to inlist more men the Union Army
  • Bull Run

    Bull Run
    First Batlle of the Civil War
    Cause: Met by chance
    Effect: Northern Army defeated, Confederates went home thining it was over
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    40000 Confederates attacked Northen line by Pittsburg Landing by the Tennessee River
    Cause: Confederates wanted to surprise Grant who was the Union General
    Affect:Confederates retreated after 2 days of battle
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    Singlest bloodiest day in American history
    Cause: Union Scout was exploring a meadow which he came across Confedarate camp in which he found a copy of General Lee and General StoneWall Jackson.
    Effect: Gave huge advantage to the North and fired McClellan
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    Freed all slaves in the South
    Cause: To land major blow to south because slave labor produced food and fortification for the South
    Effect: Many African Americans joined the Union army
  • Massachusetts 54th Established

    Massachusetts 54th Established
    First legit African American Regiment
    Cause; Governor of Massachusetts John A Andrew authorized the regiment
    Effect: Many people disagreed on a colored regiment
  • Battle of Chancesllorvilles

    Battle of Chancesllorvilles
    6 day battle in which the south was winning
    Cause: South was low in supplies so they wanted to push North, they thought they could tip the political scale in the North
    Effect: South lost one of their best Generals and the attack north was a failure
  • Battle of Vicksburg

    The take over of the last 2 ports in the confederacy
    Cause: Ulysses S Grant decided to destroy train line to the south to distract the South from noticing him taking over the ports and the second prot was taken over shortly
    Effect: Split the confederacy in half
  • Battle of Gettysburg Day 1

    Battle of Gettysburg Day 1
    Unexpected bloody battle
    Cause: Confederates were looking for shoes
    Effect: They ran into union soldiers
  • Battle of Gettysburg Day 2

    Battle of Gettysburg Day 2
    Battle between 90000 Union Soldiers and 75000 Confederates
    Cause: Union defenses kept retreating and charging armed with bayonets
    Effect; Union won that day
  • Battle of gettysburg Day 3

    Battle of gettysburg Day 3
    Third battle at Gettysburg
    Cause: Lee wanted to gve one last try in breaking the Union defense
    Affects: Confederates failed and gave up hopes on invading the North and retreated
  • Assault on Fort Wagner

    Assault on Fort Wagner
    54 Massachussettes regiment tried to take over Fort Wagner.
    Cause: They wanted to prove that a black regiment could fight as well as a w white one.
    Effect: Attack was unsuccessfull
  • Battle of Petersburg

    Battle of Petersburg
    Place where North kept attacking
    Cause: Grant and Sherman wanted total war so they attacked South
    Effect: Grant lost 60000 men and Lee lost 32000 men
  • Shermans March to the Sea

    Shermans March to the Sea
    Union Military defied the rules of war and started doing total war
    Cause: Grant and Sherman thought if they did that they would demoralize the southern states
    Effect: Whole Cities burned to the ground and many civilians killed
  • Surrender at Appomattox Court House

    Confderacy Surrenders
    Cause: Confederacy surrenders
    Effect: Civil War over
  • Lincoln Assassination

    Lincoln Assassination
    First assassination of US president
    Cause: John W Booth wanted to advenge the south
    Effect: More than a third of people in the union attended his funeral and all African Americans were worried because the man who freed them was now dead