American Civil War

  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    The Second Contienental Congress resolves "that no slaves be imported into any of the thirteen United Colonies.
  • Declaration Ignores Slaves

    Declaration Ignores Slaves
    The Declaration of Independence declares that "all men are created equal." It does not deal with slavery explicitly but contains a clause attacking the king for emancipating slaves and arming them to fight against the colonists.
  • Gradual Emancipation in Pennsylvania

    Gradual Emancipation in Pennsylvania
    Pennsylvania adopts the first "gradual emancipation" law. Under the statute, no new slaves can be brought into the state, and the children of all existing slaves will be freed when they turn 28.
  • Northwest Ordinance

    Northwest Ordinance
    The Continental Congress enacts the Northwest Ordinance, prohibitng slavery in the territories north of the Ohio River and east of the Mississippi River.
  • Three-Fifths Compromise

    Three-Fifths Compromise
    The Constitutional Convention sttles on the tree-fifths comprimise; it will count three-fifths of a state's slave population in apportioning Congressional repressentation.
  • Eli Whitney Invents Cotton Gin

    Eli Whitney Invents Cotton Gin
    Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin, which allows for the cultivation of short-staple cotton and revolutionizes the industry, dramatically increasing its profitabillity and the land areas that can be utilized for growing the crop.
  • Gabriel Prosser Plot

    Gabriel Prosser Plot
    Gabriel Prosser conspires to seize Richmond, Virginia with a large force of perhaps 1,000 armed slaves and then proceed with a general slaughter of whites.
  • Louisiana Pruchase Sets Slave Debate

    Louisiana Pruchase Sets Slave Debate
    The United States purchases Louisiana from France for $15 million. The large acquisition will set the stage for future debates over slavery in the territories.
  • Slave Trade Ban

    Slave Trade Ban
    Congress passes a law prohibiting Americans from participating in the African Slave trade. The ban, which goes into effect in 1808, which goes into effect in 1808, will be inconsistently enforced until 1861.
  • Slave and Free States Equal

    Slave and Free States Equal
    Missouri is admitted to the Union as a slave state, but congress agress to forbid slavery in all other territory north of Missouri's southern border. With the addition ofMissouri, the Union consists of twelve slave states and twelve free.