
Alexs top 20

  • Residential

    located in canada this was all about the native children and they were seperated from family and sent to other family and schools
  • wilfrid Laurier

    located in canada he was the great compromiser
  • Boer War

    The in south Africa in 1899-1903 english canadians wanted to help but french canadians didnt
  • naval crisis

    located in canada, canada built own navy
  • ypres

    Located near france this was the first war that chemicals were used
  • sommme

    Located in new-foundland this war was when they used the vary first tank
  • conscriptin ww1

    Located in france and in belgum this was the first world war and they needed more men
  • Vimmy ridge

    france canada went 100m in 3 min
  • passchendale

    Located in beligum this war was when canada earne dthe name of storm troopers this war was varry muddy and had bad weather
  • halifax explosion

    located in Halifax a ship caring TNT had a big explosion
  • Traty of versailles

    located in germany the peach settlement signed by german outer war
  • prohibition

    located in canada this was when alchol was illegal to make,have or sell
  • stock marked crash

    this was a world wide crash this caused a great depresion
  • womens right to vote

    Located in canada 1930 and 1915, women got the right to vote
  • Ottawa trek

    located in vancouver and ottawa and involved unemployed men
  • conscrirtion ww2

    located in germany this war was when britan and france both declared war on germany
  • Battle of Britain

    Located in britain this was when german invaded france and pushed france and britain back
  • camp x

    located in canada this camp is top secret training post in canada for spies
  • dippe

    located in britain the war started at 5 and by 10.50 commander were forced to call to retreat
  • Battle of Atlantic

    located in alentic ocean this war was june 1943-may 1945 it was over who had the largest navy it was canada navy vs germans subs
  • My b-day