Alexander the Great

  • 323

    Alexander's Death

    Alexander died in June 323 BC. He died because of an illness called Malaria.
  • 331

    Battle of Gaugamela

    The Battle of Gaugamela took place on October 331 BC. The battle was Alexander the Great vs. Darius III of Persia. The battle was also called the Battle of Arbela. Alexander won the battle and then he took over the Persian Empire.
  • 331


    Alexander started planning Alexandria 9 years before he died. Alexandria was found in 331 BC. Alexandria was built in Egypt and was located on the western edge of the Nile Delta. Alexandria carried the Greek culture and is the second largest city in Egypt.
  • 333

    Issus Battle

    The Issus Battle took place on November 333 BC. The battle was Alexander the Great vs. Darius III of Achaemenid Persia. Again Alexander the Great won and Alexander ruled the Archaemenid Perisa Epire.
  • 336

    King Philip's Death

    King Philip was the father of Alexander the Great and the son of Amyntas II. King Philip was killed on October 336 BC. King Philip died when he was stabbed by a dagger by one of his friends on his way to his daughters wedding.
  • 356

    Alexander the Great Birth

    Alexander the Great was born July 356 BC. Alexander was born on the 6th day of the Greek calendar Hekatombaion.