Alcohol and Legislation Project

  • Lei n. 9,294, de 1996.

    These law prohibited the "propagandas" of alcoholic beverages. The only time that these propagandas could be on television is between 21.00 pm and 6:00 am. we aprove these law, because it can prevent that little kids will drink win the future.
  • Period: to

    Alcohol Legislation

  • Lei n.14.592, de 19 de outubro de 2011

    It is prohibited to sell alcoholic beverages for people that are under 18 years old. we aprove these law because its safier for everybody.
  • Nova Lei Seca 12.760 de 2012

    These law requires that no one can drive a car drinking alcohol or having consumed alcohol before driving. we aprove these law because it is much safier to drive wirthout consuming alcohol.
  • Lei n. 6626 de 12 de dezembro de 2013

    These law requires that is not permited to consume alcohol beverages inside a car, even the passenger may not consume. we aprove. we aprove these law because it is safier that the passenger will not force thed river to consume alcohol.