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Alan Turing

  • Computer Numbers

    Computer Numbers
    Alan Turing writes on on Computer Numbers in which he suggest a universal machine that can do any calculation
  • IBM

    IBMs auther Samuel develop a checker playing program that can lean from its own mistakes.
  • Turing suggesting

    Turing suggesting
    Turing suggest that machines might someday posses intelligence; he proposes the first test test for possible machine intelligence
  • Dr Norbert

    Dr Norbert
    Dr Norbert Weiner suggest that computer that could think like human would be "both effective, and dangerous"

    Work begun on DENDRAL, the first expert system
  • Al language

    Al language
    The Al language PROLOG (programmed logic) developed
  • Bacterial infection

    Bacterial infection
    MYCIN, an expert system to diagnose bacterial infection is produced
  • Speech

    Hearsay, a speech understanding program is introduced
  • ANNs

    development with ANNs lead to signficant advance into solvng problems associate with pattern matching
  • Voice recognition

    Voice recognition
    Voice and character recognition used in home computer