Africans and their descendants of Brazil 1450 - 1800

  • Sep 30, 1570

    Agricultural producers started to import shiploads of African slaves to the Brazilian colonies

    Because the Amerindians were contracting disease and running away, colonists and plantation owners needed another source of labor, to which they went to the African slave trade.
  • By 1600 the colonies become heavily dependant on the slave trade as a source of labor on the ranches.

  • Capoeria starts to be used by slaves

    Capoeria is a brazilian dance martial art form that the slaves used to fight against the colonists and escape to quilombos.
  • Price of African slaves goes up

    The price of slaves goes up as many begin running away or rebelling against colonies. Minerals increase in popularity and begin to be a main source of revenue.
  • Palmares Quilombo leader Zumbi is killed

    the 80 years old quilombo disbands.
  • African decendants make up 41.1 percent in mining companies, and 34 percent of the total population in Brazil