African Slave Trade

  • Period: Jan 9, 1440 to May 20, 1459

    Portuguese Transport Slaves from Africa to Europe

    The Portuguese tansported slaves from Africa to Europe. The slaves were shipped slaves to Europes first colonies. The Europeans had captured native Americans there but alot of them dies out from disease and other things so Portuguese sent slaves over to replace them.
  • Period: May 14, 1472 to Dec 22, 1479

    Spain Enters Slave Trade

    Spain entered the slave trade because they noticed all the money the slaves were worth and how they would help out in Spain. So Spain joined the slave trade and they bought, sold, and traded slaves for many resources and money.
  • Period: Jan 21, 1550 to Jun 21, 1550

    England Enters Slave Trade

    England enters the slave trade to benefit the country. What slave trade does for the country is they make money off the resources they get or the money they get for selling and trading.
  • Period: to

    Slavery Illegal in England and Wales

    Slavery becomes illegal in England and Wales because they realized how cruel it was. That the blacks were mistreated and didnt deserve the harsh treatment they got so slavery was offically illegal in England and Wales.
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    Decleration of Independence

    The Decleration od Independence stated "We hold these true thruths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal." However, the new nations founding fathers were slave owners.
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    Slavery is Illegal in Scotland

    Scotland ended slavery due to the fact that it is a cruel unrulely thing to do. To mistreat poor people because there black. They havent done anything to hurt people and they finally realized it was unneccesary for slave trade.
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    Slavery Abolished in Northern U.S.A.

    Slavery was only abolished in the northern U.S.A. because the souths economy thrived on sugar which was supported by slaves. But many blacks and whites took up total abolition saying now more slaves and it wouldnt happen again.
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    Haiti Becomes Independent Nation

    Haiti becomes an independent nation under a black ruler. The French planned on bringing back slaves but the Haitians defeated their army and in 1804 they became independent and when that happened a former slave Jean-Jacques Dessalines was the leader.
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    Slave Trade was Abolished in the British Empire

    Slave trade was abolished in the British Empire due to the fact that everyone was realizing the cruelity in slaves. Not just the tasks they were forced to do but their harsh journey to get there it took along and painful time to get to their destination just to be punished again.
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    Final Aboliton of Slavery in French Empire

    Frances revolutionary goverment made all colonial blacks and whites equal. so that abolished all slave trade and slaves in France.
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    American Civil War

    An uproar of African Americans implied that people of Africans decent couldnt become citizens of the U.S.A. and that the U.S. congress did not have federal powers to prohibit slavery.
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    End of East Arfrican Slave Trade

    All the slave trade along the coast of south Africa, sub-Saharan, being shipped to southwest Asia, and being shipped all over the world was all over. It was over because Zanzibar shut down the slave trade and with that there were no ways of getting slaves in or out of Africa.
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    Brazil Abolishes Slavery

    Brazil was the final but still found a way to abolish slavery. This was a big step forward considering they were the last country to abolish slavery but they still did it. The Brazilians whos Portuguese ancestors started the slave trade in 1440 abolished it in 1888.
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    Jamaica and Trinidad Achieve Independence

    In the Caribbean, Jamaica and Trinidad were newly independent. The fortunes of the newly independent nations were mixed. Some people thrived under democratic goverment. Others had been weakend by the new goverment.
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    Start of East African Slave Trade

    Start of east African slave trade was the first slave trade out of any kind. This trade sparked a wide movement of many others also joining in slave trade. Slaves were walked up the sub-Saharan Africa were sold to traders and taken north across the desert.