African American Philosophy

  • First Slaves arive in Virginia aboard Dutc h ship

    First Slaves arive in Virginia aboard Dutc h ship
    I chose this because it was the origin of Slavery in America.
  • Period: to


    The progression of African American equality in America
  • First African American Poet, A slave named Lucy Terry

    First African American Poet, A slave named Lucy Terry
    I chose this because it was the first African American being involved in poetic literature in America.
  • Slavery is made Illegal in the Northwestern Territory

    Slavery is made Illegal in the Northwestern Territory
    I chose this because it is the beginning of the end of slavery in America.
  • Invention of Cotton Gin

    Invention of Cotton Gin
    Slavery in America had been minimal and the south really had not been economically dependent on slaves until the invention of the cotton gin.
  • Congress bans the importation of Slaves from Africa

    I chose this because it meant America was becoming less tolerant to slavery and was trying to make the South provide a different means of workers instead of just slaves.
  • Missouri Compromise bans slavery north of Missouri's Souther border

    Missouri Compromise bans slavery north of Missouri's Souther border
    I chose this because it ended all possibility of slavery extending into the new northern territories and was another step to stopping slavery.
  • Nat Turner led the most significant slave uprising in American histpru

    Nat Turner led the most significant slave uprising in American histpru
    I chose this because it was one of the few and most significant times African American slaves actually revolted and started to live a more fighting lifestyle instead of just sitting there and taking the unfair brutality.
  • William Lloyd Garrison started an abolitionist newspaper called The Liberator

    William Lloyd Garrison started an abolitionist newspaper called The Liberator
    This was significant because he was one of the few people at this time to just come out and say get rid of slavery which was an example for other people.
  • Harriet Tubman escapes from slavery and becomes one of the leaders of the Underground Railroad

    Harriet Tubman escapes from slavery and becomes one of the leaders of the Underground Railroad
    The reason i chose this was because of the show of courage and wanting to be free as well as blacks and whites together would risk their own lives to help free other blacks through the underground railroad which harriet tubman through it had freed almost 500 slaves.
  • Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin stirs up a large anti-slavery movement all over the world

    Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin stirs up a large anti-slavery movement all over the world
    This novel was one of the most influential books on slavery and actually was one of the reasons the British refused to help the south during the American Civil war which is of large significance.
  • President Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation, declaring "that all persons held as slaves" within the Confederate states "are, and henceforward shall be be free.

    President Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation, declaring "that all persons held as slaves" within the Confederate states "are, and henceforward shall be be free.
    This was the beginning of the freedom of all slaves, although this only applied to the confederate states at the time it is thought that Abraham Lincoln had the full intention of freeing all the slaves in the United States, which he did.
  • The thirteenth amendment is ratified in the constitution, completely abolishing all slavery.

    The thirteenth amendment is ratified in the constitution, completely abolishing all slavery.
    Obviously this is the most significant event in Black History as they are finally being freed from the evils of slavery which is the first step to equality.
  • The fourteenth amendment is ratified, defining citizenship.

    The fourteenth amendment is ratified, defining citizenship.
    I chose this because until this point even blacks that were free were not considered citizens of America until now which turned over the ruling of the Dred Scott case of 1857 that said blacks were not citizens.
  • Hiram Revels was elected the first black senator

    Hiram Revels was elected the first black senator
    The reason i chose this was because this was basically the first time any African American had been elected to a high public office and marks a sort of turning point in the old elections.
  • The 15th Amendment gave African Americans the right to vote

    The 15th Amendment gave African Americans the right to vote
    This is extremely significant in how just 15 years prior to this African Americans were still slaves but now they are able to be apart of the election of the President of the United States, further involving them as never before in American politics.