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Emma Watson by Alyse Matheson

  • Emma Watson appointed as UN Women Goodwill Ambassador

    Emma Watson appointed as UN Women Goodwill Ambassador
    The Un Organization, which is dedicated to gender equality and empowerment of women, decided that Emma Watson would become their ambassador. Emma Watson was picked because the executive director of the UN organization felt that she embodied the values of a UN women. The executive director believed that having a young person advocating for the rights of women is essential for furthering the notion of equality.
  • Launching the campaign “HeForShe”

    Launching the campaign “HeForShe”
    Emma Watson, now UN Women Goodwill Ambassador, gave a speech at a special event for the HeForShe campaign at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. This event influenced Watson’s advocacy for gender equality as she reached out in her speech for help. Help, that is, to end gender inequality. She directed her efforts at men and boys in hopes to make more males aware of their need in advocacy for gender equality.
  • Watson’s response to Donald Trump being elected President.

    Watson’s response to Donald Trump being elected President.
    One day after the U.S. election, in which Donald Trump was named president, Watson took to the New York City subway system to spread knowledge through books. She played Maya Angelo throughout the subway systems, hoping that people would read them and understand things that Watson feels are important, equality of men and women being high on that list. Watson tweeted about this experience and then stated that she would be fighting even harder for the things she believes in.
  • Women in the film industry

    Women in the film industry
    Watson talks to an interviewer about the reality of the film industry- that Hollywood is dominated by white men. She continued more in depth by stating that men are uncomfortable with women being the lead in a film because it defers from the norm and deviating from the norm is hard to accept. Watson spoke of her desire to close this gap between women being leads in movies and men being uninterested in watching them.