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    Arthur is born

    The Pendragons bring life into this world, but even from day one Arthur is undoubtably destined for magickal greatness and not physical prowess. Uther is incredibly aggrivated by his lack of a 'suitable' heir and tries to be rid of his offspring time and time again. He doesn't succeed.
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    Arthur meets Mordred

    Uther's final attempt to be rid of his son: he sends Arthur and two guards to town to seemingly show the child the kingdom, but the knights are to dispose of Arthur beyond the city walls. Mordred, who barely even has enough money to live, stands up for Arthur without knowing who xe is. They take Arthur in and xe and Mordred become fast friends.
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    Igraine knows

    Mordred and Arthur sneak back into the castle because xyr mother is worried sick. They reunite and she keeps the secret for about a year, visiting Mordred, Arthur and his mother when she can before she gets into a fight with Uther about the heir to the throne, she breaks the secret and in a blind fit of rage, she dies at Uther's hands.
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    Arthur and Mordred are taken to Avalon. There they are raised to be two wonderful young humans. They make friends with a young undine named Vivien and the trio are soon known throughout the land as those who should never be messed with. Arthur the druid, Mordred the chevalier and Vivien the barbarian artificer.
    They return and in battle, Arthur draws the blade, unknowing. Vivien knows and informs them.
    Arthur gives the blade to Mordred
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    Mr Saxobeat

    Arthur's first act as king is to defeat the invading Saxons, which he does.
    Vivien talks with Morguein and Morguein attempts to drown her, unaware of her true nature. Morguein is under the impression that Vivien has died and is haunted by nightmares the week following.
    Merlin ventures beneath the castle to where the dragons sleep and they warn xem of the dangers preparing in Tophet
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    Sword in the Stone

    Mortified with his actions, Uther can't bear to even consider remarrying and arranges a funeral for her. Morguein proposes an alternative; using magic, she will embed a sword in stone. Should any find it and manage to remove it, they shall be the heir to the throne, but they must be fit to be a kind king who will make Camelot the best it's ever been and they must find it on their own.
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    In their young twenties when only five years have passed, the trio are unrecognizable. Mordred takes the blade to Uther and announces himself to be Arthur Pendragon. He addresses the human next to him and announces him to be Merlin, his advisor, friend and lover. Uther makes a show of wholesomeness and affection but confronts Mordred behind the scenes. A display of power with some secret magic and Uther submits.
    The following day, Mordred is crowned as Arthur.
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    Captain America: Civil War

    While 'Arthur' is away, a multitude of individuals are preparing to challenge him to the throne when he returns. He welcomes the challenges with open arms and with a little magical help when his opponents are cheating (just to make it a fair fight), he defeats each and every single challenger with next to no damage done to them.
    Before the challenges, the trios meet and inform each other of what they learned.
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    The trio venture into Rome and strike a deal with Lucius, that when the time comes, and Arthur "dies", Lucius will rule over Camelot personally, but he must always obey the rules of the sword in the stone.
    The deal is sealed with a spell and the Roman army retreat. Uther is under the impression that they were defeated.
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    Merlin, Vivien and Arthur hold a competition to determine the knights of the round table; the elite of the elites who, should it come to it, stand a fighting chance against the eldritch of Tophet.
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    They carry out the plan. Arthur "dies" in battle and Merlin and Vivien take xyr body to Avalon. With their agreement, Lucius takes over Camelot and the trio go to Tophet to stand their ground for the sake of life on Earth. Not humans though. They're doomed to self destruct and take the planet with them, but they deserve a fighting chance at least.
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    Secret is out

    Morguein confirms her suspicions that the entire kingdom has been fooled when she catches Merlin and Vivien at the lake's shore, talking about Tophet. She assumes Arthur is part of it too, seeing as the three came together and turns to the army. The knights of the round table, concerned, inform Arthur, who sends Merlin to request Lucius' assistance.