
Adolf Hitler's Rise

By BretH
  • Hitler was Born

    This is one of the most important reasons for Adolf Hitler's rise. For the most part it's self explanatory because if Hitler wasn't born he would've of even had a chance to rise.
  • Adolf's growing up

    When Hitler was growing up he lived a mediocre life like many other German civilians. This was a very vital reason for his rise, because he was able to relate to many Germans. He also new what the hard times were like, so with this knowledge in hand he was able to relate their troubles to the Jews. This reasoning also aided with his rise.
  • Adolf goes to WWI

    When Adolf went to war he was wounded twice and was upgraded to be a corporal. When Adolf went to war he wasn't very well known, until he was being awarded metals. By the end of the Adolf was spreading his revolution more widely and was being more well known.
  • Prison

    When Adolf went to prison in 1924 for getting in trouble as the leader of a Nazi group that unsuccessfully did the Beer Hall Putsch. If Adolf didn't go to jail, he most likely wouldn't of had a chance to write his book. The book he wrote helped the Nazi party get more power
  • He becomes the leader of the Nazi's

    When Hitler got out of prison he formed a newer reformed Nazi party after getting out of prison. While he was forming the new party he was the leader of the party, becoming more well known in Germany.
  • Nazi party grows bigger

    As the Nazi party was growing bigger Hitler was also growing more powerful. When the Nazi power was growing they were becoming more of the majority of the votes in elections. While the Nazi's were becoming to take more power it was just fueling Adolf's flame to take over power of Germany.
  • Hitler is appointed chancellor

    This position gave Hitler control of the government of Germany, or also known as the Governor. This gave him control of the government of Germany giving him more power to grow the Nazi party.
  • Eliminating Non-Nazi Parties

    When Adolf eliminated non-Nazi parties he was able to build more power for himself and the Nazi's. With most to all the power given to the Nazi's they had more control, because nobody could overthrow their power.
  • Hitler grows the police force of Germany.

    As Governor Hitler was growing Germany's police force. Which this force contained of State Police and Gestapo's. With his power of growing these forces he was able to get more power in his control. With the use of the police force he was able to stomp out any rivals going against him or any bad rift raft.
  • Hindenburg the president of Germany dies.

    With the death of the president Adolf was able to take over power of Germany as being the president. When Adolf took over power, the people of Germany were wondering who was going to be appointed chancellor. Adolf combined the president and chancellor into one position giving himself more control and power.