Acient China

By JLo42
  • 3000 BCE

    Xia Dynasty

    Xia Dynasty
    A civilization emerged as the Xia Dynasty on the yellow river.These people learned how to make bronze vessels for rituals. The Xia Dynasty was the first civilization in China.
  • 1600 BCE

    Shang Dynasty

    Shang Dynasty
    The Shang Dynasty in the central plain in north China near the yellow river. The Shang cities had temples and palaces and houses for the upper class and commoners and workshops for workers. The Shang people worked with bronze metal and made many bronze artifacts. They had the large scale production of weapons.
  • 1200 BCE

    Lady Hao

    Lady Hao
    Lady Hao lived around 1200 Bc and was wife of Shang emperor Wi Ding. She was a military leader and lead many campaigns against neighboring tribes. She was activity involved in many ceremonies and military activities.
  • 1046 BCE

    Zhou Dynasty

    Zhou Dynasty
    Zhou was a Chinese state on the Wei river valley. The Zhou conquered the Shang Dynasty. The Zhou were the first Chinese state to transmit texts. The Zhou lands were controlled by regional lord, ministers, and officers.
  • 700 BCE


    Created by Laozi, Daoism, the belief that people should not drive for material wealth. To withdraw from the world and contemplate nature. Laozi shunned politics and that no one should seek power. Many Chinese peasants appealed daoism because it showed the freedom of artistic expression.
  • 551 BCE


    Confucius was a Chinese philosopher taught about political disorder. He used morale and ethical leadership to fix social unrest and concerns of political unrest. He came with the idea that every one has a certain role in their society. Second he said the government and leaders should show high morale.
  • 475 BCE


    Legalism was the belief in power and harsh laws. That people in nature were selfish and unworthy. Peace and prosperity only came after harsh punishment for people who did not obey.
  • 221 BCE

    Qin Dyansty

    Qin Dyansty
    The Qin Dynasty only lasted for only 15 years but changed Chinese life. The Qin created an autocracy were an emperor held total control. The Qin started the Great Wall of China by putting up defensive walls that later dynasty's added onto. The Dynasty came to an end when rebels overthrew the government lead by Liu Bang.
  • 206 BCE

    Han Dynasty

    Han Dynasty
    The Han was a dynasty named after Liu Bang or king of Han. The Han had a centralized and growing empire. The Han dynasty had some much influence over China that Chinese today call themselves people of Han. Liu fought many battles that brought a great peace in China and prospered along the silk road.
  • 220

    Buddhism in China

    Buddhism in China
    Later years of the Han Dynasty showed violence and lawlessness became increasingly common. After the fall of the dynasty many Chinese turned to Buddhism, it helped explain the disruption that made the Han collapse. It offered a sense of peace and safety during turbulent times. The worshiped Buddha as their savor and helped humans escape misery.