
Abraham Lincoln

  • The birth of Abraham Lincoln

    He was born in Hardin County Kentucky.
  • Period: to

    Abraham Lincoln

  • Moves

    He and his family move across the Ohio River to Indiana
  • Mother passes away

    His mother dies of milk sickness.
    The year is correct, but the day and month is fictional.
  • Sister passes away

    Sister dies while giving birth.
    The year is correct, but day and month is fictional.
  • Family moves again

    Family relocates but Abraham stays behind and works as a clerk.
    The year is correct, but the day and month is fictional.
  • Whig party member

    He is elected to Illinois General Assembly. He was 24 years old.
    The year is correct, but the day and month are fictional.
  • Re-elected

    He was re-elected to the Illonois General Assembly. On Sept. 9th he received his law license.
    The year is correct, but the day and month are fictional.
  • Marries

    He marries Mary Todd from Kentucky.
  • First Born

    First Child is born--Robert Todd Lincoln.
    The year is correct, but the day and month are fictional.
  • Another Child!

    Second child Edward Baker Lincoln wa born.
  • Nominated

    Nominated for Whig candidate for Congress. On Aug. 3rd he was elected to the House of Representatives.
  • Child dies

    Edward dies and his third child is born--William (Willie) Wallace.
    The year is correct, but the day and month are fictional.
  • Loses election

    He loses the election for United States Senate.
    The year is correct, but the day and month are fictional.
  • Nominated!

    He was the Republican candidate for United States President.
    The year is correct, but the day and month are fictional.
  • Elected!!!

    He became the 16th president of the United States of America.
  • First address as president!

    He gave his first Inaugural address.
  • Start of Civil War

    Confederate Soldiers fired o Union troops at Fort Sumter and sparks the beginning of the Civil War!!
    The year is correct, but the day and month are fictional.
  • Emancipation Proclamation!

    He gives the Emancipation Proclamation freeing the slaves.
    The year is correct, but the day and month are fictional.
  • Fourth child dies

    Willie dies at the age of eleven.
  • Re-election

    Nominated for second term.
  • Elected!!

    Re-elected for second term as president of United States.
    He defeated Democratic nominee George B McClellan.
  • Assassination

    President Lincoln was shot at Ford's Theatre while watching a play called "Our American Cousin".
  • Abraham Lincoln dies

    He dies in the early morning hours after being shot by John Wilkes Booth.
  • Civil War ends!!!

    The war ends with Robert E. Lee's surrender to Ulysses S. Grant.