Australia aborigines 460

Aboriginals timeline

  • Period: to

    Aboriginals History

    Aboriginal History from 1900-2013
  • Federation of Australia

    The Commonwealth said Aboriginal natives shall not be counted. Aboriginal people are excluded from the vote, pensions, employment in post offices andenlistment in the armed forces.
  • White Australian Policy

    The White Australian policy was to ban people from other countries from entering Australia. This was made by the government.

    The NSW Aborigines Protection Act was made for crises in public schools. Aboriginal schools are established in NSW. The Act also made it illegal for 'half-castes' to live on reserves.
  • WW1

    Aboriginals were also involved in the War even though there was the Aboriginal Protection Act. Childrens were taken away from families. Mainly the Aboriginals were in the Gallipoli Campaign.
  • Aboriiginal Population

    It was estimated that there was a population of 60000 Australians.
  • Aboriginies Act

    This is when Aboriginals were aloud to stop being Aboriginals and have the same right as White people.
  • WW2

    Aboriginal people are not recognised as citizens, Aboriginal people serve in Europe, the Middle East, the Pacific and New Guinea. Aboriginal children were removed from their families.
  • Commonwealth Act

    This Act was made for most of Australia's states to gove the right for Aboriginals to vote.
  • 1967 Referendum.

    In the 1967 Commonwealth Referndum more than 90% vote to empower the Commonwealth to legislate for all Aboriginal people and open means for them to be counted in the census.
  • Aboriginal Flag

    The Aboriginal Flag is designed by Luritja artist Harold Thomas.
  • Yunupingu

    Yothu Yindi lead singer Yunupingu dies at his home in Yirrkala in Eastern Arnhem Land, Northern Territory, aged 56, from kidney disease.