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Aboriginal Spirituality

By flano43
  • Colonisation

    The first fleet of the British Empire approach Terr Nullius for the first time, with the crown of the fleet, the Endeavour, leading the charge into Botany Bay. Captain Cook claims this land as part of the British Empire
  • Paternalism

    The noition of those who were in power, had the right and obligation to over rule the preferences of those deemed incapable of knowing their true interests. In this case the Aboriginies in looking after their young
  • Protection Policy

    Protection Policy
    The policy entitled the Australian Government to control the lives of ABoriginies and contain them.
  • Stolen Generation Begins

    Stolen Generation Begins
    Children are taken from their parents and placed into missions to integrate into western culture.
  • Assimilation Policy

    Assimilation Policy
    Aboriginal people of mixed descent are to be assimilated into white society whetehr they want ot be or not