• Period: to

    aboriginal history


    Aboriginal people raid stations or assault sheep and cattle because of the growing number of colonists occupied more and more land. Many times they used fire to set the bush on fire, destroy buildings and burn crops.

    The Richmond Hill Battle is considered to be the first recorded battle between Aboriginal people and the British.

    Bungaree is the first Aboriginal person to circumnavigate Australia as a member of Matthew Flinders historic journey of exploration (1802-03). Bungaree died in 1830 and was buried at Rose Bay, NSW

    Aborgiginal people begin to be moved onto mission stations where they can be taught Eauropean beliefs and used as cheap labour. Settlers try to controlw growth of the Aborgiginal population with a policy of absorption.

    Governer Macquarie opens a school for Aboriginal children in Paramatta called the Native Institution. the local Aboriginal people remove their children from the school after they realise that its aim is to distance the children from their families and communites. the school closed in 1820

    Macquarie announces a set of regulations controlling the movement of Aboriginal people. No Aboriginal person is to appear armed within a mile of any settlement and no more than six Aboriginal people are allowed to 'lurk or loiter near farms' Passports or certificates are issued to Aboriginal people "who conduct themselves in a suitable manner" to show they are officially accepted by the Europeans.
  • Martial Law

    The Martial Law is proclaimed in the Bathurst area when seven Europeans are killed by Aboriginal people and conflict with them is seen as a serious threat. Soldiers, settlers and stockmen frequently attack Aborgiginal People.
  • Battle of Pinjarra

    Governor Stirling leads a party of men to a site near present day Pinjarra on the Swan River and attacks 80 Aboriginal people. One of stirlings members dies and many Aboriginal people are killed. This became known as the 'Battle of Pinjarra'. It was an attempt to punish Aboriginal people south of Perth, after conflict with settles caused the death of a settler in April.
  • Slaughterhouse Creek

    Major Nunn's campaign. Mounted police, mostly European volunteers, set out in response to conflict on the Liverpool Plains, north central NSW. At Vinegar Hill, a sight on 'Slaughterhouse Creek', 60-70 Aboriginal people are reported killed.
  • Myall Creek Massacre

    The Myall Creek Massacre occurs, 12 heavily armed colonists rounded up and brutally kill 28 Aboriginal people from a group of 40- 50 gathered at Henry Dangars Station. The massacre was believed to be a payback for the killling of several hut keepers and two sheperds. Most of those killed were women and children and good relations existed between the Aboriginal people and European occupants at the station.
  • Pearling Industry

    The pearling industry in Western Australia begins with Aboriginal divers. After the employment of Aboriginal people is banned, Javansese, Timorese and later Japanese divers are used. Aboriginal people kill 19 settlers near Emerald, Queensland. About 170 Aboriginal people are killed in reprisal.
  • Protection and Control Policy

    The Victorian Aborigines Protection Act excludes 'half-castes' from their definition of an Aboriginal person. As a result nearly half the residents of the missions and reserves have to leave their homes. Western Australian Aborigines Protection Board is established.
  • Australian Cricket Team

    The first Australian Cricket Team to tour England leaves Australia for England; the team is all Aboriginal. some of the team find it difficult to adapt to the climate and have to return back home. one of the team members dies.
  • Kalkadoon Wars & Schooling

    In the early 1870's the first Aboriginal children are enrolled in the public schools in NSW. By 1880 there were 200 Aboriginal children at school in NSW. The kalkadoon Wars in Queensland last from 1870 to 1890. About 900 Kalkadoon people are killed as the fight to protect their land.
  • Truganini Dies.

    Truganini dies in Hobart aged 73. Against her wishes the Tasmanian Museum displays her bones. 100 years later members of the Tasmanian Aboriginal community cremate and scatter them onto the water. The Tasmanian government does not recognise the Aboriginal heritage of people of Aboriginal descent and claims the 'last Tasmanian Aboriginal person' has died. A faslehood many still believe today.
  • Cyclone Mahina

    Cyclone Mahina passes over Bathurst Bay, CApy York, far north Queensland, and kills 12 white men and mor than 100 Indigenous people who were working on pearl luggers. The novel 'The Devil's Eye' by Ian Townsend details the devastation which was 'Greater than Hurricane Katrina'
  • Federation

    The Commonwealth Constitution states 'in reckoning the numbers of people.. Aboriginal natives shall not be counted' It also states that the Commonwealth would legislate for any race except Aboriginal people. This leaves the power over Aboriginal Affairs with the states.
    Aboriginal people are excluded from the vote, pensions, employment in post offices, enlistment in armed foreces and maternity allowance.
  • Cherbourg

    The Queensland government establishes Cherbourg, an Aboriginal community, about 30km from Gympie.
  • NSW Aborigines Protection Act

    The NSW Aborigines Protection Act is introduced following crises in public schools. Aboriginal schools are established in NSW. Exclusion of Aboriginal children from public schools followed requests by the white community. In NSW there are 22 Aboriginal schools in 1910, 36 in 1920 and 40 in 1940.
  • South Australian Aboriginal Act

    The South Australian Aboriginal Act makes the Chief Protector the legal guardian of every Aboriginal and 'half-castes' by licensing needy persons to live on stations. The Aborigines Protection Board Act is passed, giving the Board 'legal' control over Aboriginal people on stations and reserves but not missions, in the Northern Territory.
  • World War 1

    Beginning of WW1. Approximatley 400 to 500 Aboriginal children continue to be removed from their families during the period 1914 to 1918, including children whose fathers are overseas at war.
  • Killing of a European

    Following the killing of a European in Dala, Western australia, 11 Aborigina people are murdered in police custody; no prosecutions follow.
  • Conniston Massacre

    Conniston Massacre in the Northern Territory. Europeans shoot 32 Aboriginal people after a European dingo trapper and a station owner are attacked by them.
    A court of inquiry rules the Europeans action 'justified'. Aboriginal peopla re refused legal aid by the federal government.
  • Assimilation Policy

    Aboriginal Welfare - Conference of Commonwealth and State Authorites called by the federal government, decides that the official policy for some Aboriginal people is assimilation policy. Aboriginal people of mixed descent are to be assimilated into white society whether they want to be or not, those not living tribally are to be educated and all others are to stay on reserves.
  • Day of Mourning

    150 years after European occupation the Aboriginal Progressive Association declares a Day of Mourning. An Aboriginal conference is held in Sydney. These are the firsrt of many Aboriginal protests against inequality, injustice, dispossession of land and protectionist policies.
  • Darwin Bombed

    Darwin is bombed by the Japansese. In Arnhem Land, Aboriginal people make up special reconnaissance unit in defence of Australia. Northern Territory Aboriginal missions are evacuated. Many Aboriginal people evacuated after the bombing are trasferred to 'control camps' in Victoria, SOuth Australia or New South Whales and some never return. Restrictions are placed on Aborgiginal movement, especially of women.
  • Right to Enrol and Vote

    Aboriginal people are given the right to enrol and vote at federal elections provided they are entitled to enrol for state elections or have served in the armed forces.
  • Commonwealth Electoral Act

    The Commonwealth Electoral Act is amended to give franchise to all Aboriginal people, extending the right to vote to Aboriginal people in Western Australia, Queensland and the Northern Territory.
    The Aboriginal Affairs Act in South Australia reconstitues the Aborigines Protection Board and SOuth Australian Department of Aboriginal Affairs. The act also limits mining on reserves by non-Indigenous people.
  • Integration Policy

    Integration policy is introduced, supposedly to give Aboriginal people more control over their lives and society.
    Northern Territory patrol officers 'bring in' the last group of Aboriginal people. the pintubi people, living independently in the desert. they are relocated to papunya and yuendumu, about 300 kms north-west of Alice Springs.
  • Cathy Freeman

    Cathy Freeman wins gold in the women's 400m at the Sydney 2000 olympics. the openeing and closing ceremonies celebrated indigenous cultrual identity and history and provided some deft political comment on contempary indigenous issues.
  • Shared Responsibility Policy

    The government starts using Shared Responsibility Agreements, voluntary written agreements, which set out what outcomes are to be achived, and the agreed roles and responsibilites of governments and aboriginal communites in relation to particular projects or activites.
    The commonwealth government establishes a memorial to the stilen generation at reconcilliation place in canberra.
  • Boxing

    Boxer Danny Green loses to Aboriginal man Anthony Mundine by points decision over 12 rounds. The fight remains one of the most watched bouts in Australian boxing history.
  • Indigenous Implementation Board

    The Western Australian government announces the formaton of the Indigenous Implementation Board to improve social and economic outcomes for Aboriginals. The nine-member board aims to 'enhance indigenous involvment in local decision-making and strengthen corporate and non-government contribution to indigenous affairs.
  • Flooding

    Australia experiences its Worst Flooding on Recod affection Queensland, Victoria, Western Australia and Tasmania. the floods claim the life of at least one Aboriginal person, delay land claim hearings and put further pressure on people housing waiting lists. many dont accept help or play down their loss, Aboriginal musicina Troy Cassar-Daley loses his farm near Brisbane.
  • Aboriginal Tent Embassy

    The Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Canberra celebrates it's 40th anniversary. An incident where there Prime Minister was distrubed by around 50 protesters outside a restaraunt makes security guards drag her hurriedly into a car. she loses a shoe, gaining her the nickname'Gingerella"