Aadesh's civil war era up to 1863

By Team1
  • Election of Lincoln

    Democratic Party split, and they formed two new parties. Even though he was banned from ten southern ballets, he still managed to win. This bought new era of Republicanism in Washington.
  • Crittenden Compromise

    This compromise was introduced by John Crittenden. This recognized slavery south of Mason Dixon line. This was last attempt to prevent war
  • Fort Sumter is attacked

    Union fort in South Carolina was attacked by Confederate troops. When Lincoln sent reinforcement, confederate took it as a threat. This was the first shot of the Civil war.
  • Lincoln’s public declaration

    President Lincoln issues a public decoration. He said that he wants all militia to stop rebellion, and he wants them to volunteer in the army. Four additional southern states secede from Union. After this Lincoln calls 43000 volunteers to serve for three years.
  • Battle of Bull Run

    First major battle of civil war. North thought that this was just a 3 months war. This battle proved that it wasn't just a 3 months war.
  • Succession South Carolinas from union

    When Lincoln was elected southerners felt that they were not going to be represented correctly. After the Crittenden Compromise failed, in December of 1860 South Carolina seceded from the Union. Also the leaders believed. They formed a government called Confederate States of America.
  • Surrender of Fort Henry

    They attack the fort by water. Confederate army loses its fort to Union River. This has opened the door for the Union to control the Tennessee River.
  • Battle of Fort hampton

    The battle was trying to break a union blockade, that blocked Confederates largest cities .Confederate ship Merrimack and Union ship Monitor battled in Hampton Road Virginia, This was the first iron ship naval clash in history.
  • The Battle of Antietam

    This the bloodiest Battle of the Civil war. Lee invades the North for the first time, and he loses the battle. After this President Lincoln issues the emancipation proclamation.
  • Siege of Vicksburg

    Union force attack confederate defenses in Vicksburg. Their thinking was if city falls, they would gain control of Mississippi River. Union wins the battle and it gains control Mississippi River.