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A Timeline on the Revolutionary War

  • The Battle of Lexington and Concord

    The Battle of Lexington and Concord
    The British attempted to stop the war befor it started by destroying the patriots' suplies. But that's what starts the war. No one is sure who fired the first shot, but it was what gave the war its nickname: The Shot Heard Round the World. This was the start of the Revolutionary War.
  • Period: to

    Revolutionary War

    The war for indepence. Fought by the paitriots against the British.
  • The Capture of Fort Ticonderoga

    The Capture of Fort Ticonderoga
    Toghether the Green Mountain Boys, Ethan Allen, and Benedict Arnold took over Fort Ticonderoga. But later the British would recapture the fort.
  • 2nd Continental congress meets

    2nd Continental congress meets
    It had many of the same 56 that were in the first Continental congress. One of the new members was Benjamin Franklin.
  • George Washington named commander-in-chief

    George Washington named commander-in-chief
    Since washington had been one of the leaders of the british army in the french and indian war he is concidered a former redcoat. He had a wife named Martha, and hoped to be home with her by fall.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    It actulley took place at Breed's Hill, but it got name after the hill across from it.
  • American defeat at Quebec

    American defeat at Quebec
    This was the first mayjor defet for the colonies. General Richard Montgomery was killed, and Benedict Arnold was wounded.
  • British evacuate Boston

    British evacuate Boston
    The British stayed in boston for 8 years, but the the American army forced them to leave. 11,000 British troops left along with 1,000 loyalists.
  • Declaration of Independence issued

    Declaration of Independence issued
    The document that defends our unalienable rights: life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness. John Hancock signed it real big so King George would see it.
  • Battle of Long Island

    Battle of Long Island
    Also know as the battle of Brooklyn. It was a major British victory, and also a major lose for the American army.
  • British occupy New York City

    British occupy New York City
    Thomas Gage had been planing and preparing to occupy New York City long befor the battle of Bunker Hill. Washington had been able to get 19,000 troops in New York City.
  • Battle of Trenton

    Battle of Trenton
    With an army of 2,400 men they atacked the hessains at their base. It was an American victory. And the amazing thing was that none of our 2,400 soldiers died at all.
  • Battle of Brandywine

    Battle of Brandywine
    Brandywine creek was in Delaware County. The American army lose, and retreate to Valley Forge.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    It was actully 2 battles. 6,00 british troops surenderd, and this battle was also what convinced France to be the American army's allia.
  • British occupy Philadelphia

    British occupy Philadelphia
    While the British were heading to Philadelphia's capitol the battle of Brandywine happend. Later on General William Howe (the one who lead them to Philadelphai and a little longer) got replaced by his second in comand, Sir Henry Clinton.
  • Articles of Confederation adopted

    Articles of Confederation adopted
    I took 16 months of debate for the colonies to say yes to the Articles of Confederation. Maryland was the last state to ratify the agreement.
  • Winter at Valley Forge

    Winter at Valley Forge
    Valley Forge is 20 miles North-West of Philadelphia. 2,500 American soldiers died while at Vally Forge.
  • Alliance with France

    Alliance with France
    The Treaty of Paris was signed as a sign of their alliance. The alliance ecouraged trade between France and the colonies.
  • Battle of Monmouth Court House

    Battle of Monmouth Court House
    The battle of Monmouth Court House was one of the largest battles in the Revolutionary war. There were many generals heading this way and that; comanding their troops, and killing their enemies.
  • Spain enters the war

    Spain enters the war
    The French were the ones who convinced Spain to be our allia. Did you know that the king of Spain and a minister in France both had the same name, Charles.
  • Fall of Savannah

    Fall of Savannah
    There were 2,500 to 3,600 British troops. They probly only won because they had the elament of suprise on their side.
  • Siege of Charleston

    Siege of Charleston
    This was one of the major battles towards the end. There were 10,000 British troops in Charleston.
  • Benedict Arnold's treason discovered

    Benedict Arnold's treason discovered
    Benedict Arnold had lots of experience; one of the reasons was the fact that when he was on the American side he comanded 1,100 soldiers. But he went trough many hardships when he was on our side so he switched to British.
  • French and British battle in Chesapeake Bay

    French and British battle in Chesapeake Bay
    A major defeat for the British. It was also known as the battle of Virginia capes.
  • Siege of Yorktown

    Siege of Yorktown
    This was the American army's final victory. 5,500 French soldiers landed in Rhode Island to help us defeat the British.
  • Cornwallis surrenders

    Cornwallis surrenders
    He surrenderd 8,000 British troops and seaman. There is a painting of his surrender hanging in Rotunda, Washington D.C., U.S.