
A Sound of Thunder

  • Exposition

    The setting takes place in the future America in which time travel has become possible. In this future, there is a time traveling agency in which a customer can pay a large sum of money to head back in time and hunt a dinosaur.
  • Rising Action #1

    Rising Action #1
    The protagonist Eckels comes to the hunting agency and pays to go back 60 million years and hunt a tryrannosaurus rex.
  • Rising Action #2

    Rising Action #2
    The second part of the rising action is when the hunters and the guides go back 61 million years to the time of the dinosaurs to hunt a tyrannosaurus rex.
  • Rising Action #3

    Rising Action #3
    The next part to the rising action is when the Safari leaders teach the Eckels and the other hunters how to kill the dinosaur.
  • Rising Action #4

    Rising Action #4
    The final part of the rising action is when Travis, a Safari leader, describes the precautions they use when in the past like the path or the careful selection of prey. He also goes into detail on the butteryfly theory and how stepping on a small animal in the past can cause drastic changes to the future.
  • Climax

    The climax of the story is when Eckels panicks at the site of the tyranosaurus rex and steps off the path. This also causes the dinosaur to start bolting for the hunters and almost leads to their deaths.
  • Falling Action #1

    Falling Action #1
    The major part of the falling action is when Travis yells at Eckels for stepping off the path and almost forces him to stay in the past.
  • Falling Action #2

    Falling Action #2
    Another part of the falling action is when Travis forces Eckels to go retrieve the bullets lodged in the tyrannosaurus rex.
  • Resolution

    Resolution occurs when Travis shoots Eckels after seeing that their present has changed.