A Rose For Emily Timeline

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  • Emily Is Born

    Emily is born
  • Emily's Dad Dies

    Emily's dad dies in 1862 and she is left feeling alone after his passing. Her father was her life and when he passed it hit Emily hard.
  • Homer Arrives in Jefferson

    Homer comes to Jefferson and is described as a tall and ready man with a big voice and light eyes
  • 1894

    Emily's taxes are remitted and she is in denial and says that she has no taxes in Jefferson. Emily says that she received a letter from someone who considers themself the sheriff
  • Homer Leaves Town

    Homer leaves town and everyone in the town gossips on why he leaves, the towns people believe he left to give Emily a chance to get rid of all the cousins
  • Emily Buys Arsenic

    Emily buys poison from druggist, when asked what it was for Emily just stared at him and he gave it to her and wrote "for rats" on the box
  • Lime is Spreaded Around House

    LIme is spreaded around emily's house by her neighbors. Her neighbors did it because of the strange smells coming from her house.
  • Emily Gives China Painting Lessons

    Emily fitted up a studio in one of her downstairs rooms. The daughters and granddaughters of Colonel Sartoris' were sent there
  • Emily Stops Coming Outside

    Emily's front door remained closed for about six or seven years. She never came out anymore she sent the negro man to the market for her
  • Emily Dies

    Emily passes away in the house because she fell ill from all the dust. She died in one of the upstairs room.
  • Funeral For Emily Is Held

    All the towns people gather to say goodbye to Emily, all her cousins come to give her a proper burial and everyone spoke fondly of her
  • Homer's Skeleton is Found

    After the funeral and mourning of Emily officials finally go to her house and find a skeleton in her bead. Next to it was a headprint and gray hair on the pillow