
A Rose For Emily

By Kai H.
  • Emily's Father Dies

    The death of Emily's father seems to affect her heavily in the story. It even took her 3 days to even admit that he was dead.
  • Emily's Taxes Are Remitted

    Colonial Sartoris (the old mayor of the town) had remitted Emily's taxes a while after her father died. As the town gets older Emily feels entitled to this tax remission although Colonial Sartoris has since died.
  • The Sidewalk Job Begins

    This event is important to the story because it is what brings Homer Baron to town. Homer ends up being Emily's love interest.
  • Emily And Homer Begin Being Seen In Public Together

    Emily And Homer Begin Being Seen In Public Together
    Homer and Emily begin to be seen together on buggy rides. The townspeople look down upon the relationship very quickly.
  • The Sidewalk Job Finishes

    Now that the job is finished Homer no longer is obligated to show up in town. Emily is running out of time to tie the knot.
  • Emily Buys Arsenic

    Emily Buys Arsenic
    Emily refused to explain why she was buying arsenic fully. The only reason she gave was rats although she was buying stronger arsenic than needed for rats.
  • A Strong Smell Develops

    A horrid smell develops and it's coming from Emily's house. The townspeople complain but nothing is done about it until...
  • Homer disappears

    Homer stops showing up in town. It is not unusual considering his job is finished.
  • Sneaky Lime In The Night

    Sneaky Lime In The Night
    The townspeople are getting sick of the smell around Emily's house. They decide to take matters into their own hands and put lime around her house under the cover of night.
  • Emily Dies

    Emilys death does not quite strike the town as a surprise. Everyone is eager to get a look at her house.
  • Emilys Funeral

    Emilys Funeral
    The funeral came a few days after Emilys death. Everyone speaks of her fondly in death although they disliked her alive.
  • The Body

    While going through Emilys house after the funeral the townspeople find the remains of Homer. They could tell Emily had laid with the body at one point because the pillow next to it had a head indent and one of Emilys hairs on it.