A Look Throughout Drama in The Medieval Period

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    A small, non-moving platform stage representing a specific location in the Bible plays stage structures used in medieval theatre to represent specific locations, such as Heaven or Hell. Actors would move between these mansions as the play demanded.
  • Period: 900 to 1500

    The Medieval phases- Early, High or Mid, and Late.

    The medieval period was said to be divided into three phases in which were very broad. The first phase started in the early A.D. 900 and lasted until A.D. 1050. The second phase began in A.D. 1050 and lasted until A.D. 1300. The final phase of this time period, started in A.D. 1300 and lasted until A.D. 1500. The entire period was said to have started in A.D. 900 and ended in A.D. 1500.
  • 925


    A festival and holiday celebrating the Resurrection of Christ from the dead. His Resurrection occurred three days after his crucifixion by Romans at Calvary. This was the feast day that marked the introduction of drama into church rituals.
  • Period: 963 to 973

    The Very First Female Dramatist

    This time frame is when Hrosvitha stepped up to the light. She was the very first dramatist to be recorded that was a female. his happened right around the same time frame that liturgical plays were starting to be performed. She wrote a total of six plays: Pafnutius, Delcitius, Gallicanus, Abraham, Callimachus, and Sapientia. It is not known if these writings were performed before or after her death. With her being the first female to do this, a lot of things sparked.
  • 970

    The Earliest Known Liturgical Play

    The earliest documented liturgical play, Quem quaeritis, involved the arrival of three women at the tombstone of where Christ was placed after his death. After this, there would be an angel that would announce the fact that Christ had risen while rejoicing and causing the women to also rejoice. The play is very short. It contains only four lines of song dialogue, however, those four lines impacted the world of theatre greatly.
  • 1000

    Saint or Miracle Plays

    One of the three principles kinds of vernacular drama of the European Middle Ages presents a real or fictitious account of the life, miracles, or martyrdom of a saint evolved from liturgical offices developed during the 10th/11th century to enhance calendar festivals. Surviving plays include the Virgin Mary and St. Nicholas.
  • 1200

    Expansion of Religious Performances

    During this time frame, some of the religious plays begin to expand outside of the typical church setting. This was a very big deal and impacted the world greatly. Theatre was stepping out of its typical zone of performance.
  • 1300

    Trade Guilds Flourishing

    In this century, The production of outdoor religious dramas in England started. They were typically in associate with the trade guilds that grew so quickly. Presented Bible dramas in England
    professional association, trade union, cartel, and a secret society
    arrived after Norman Conquest.
  • 1375

    Independent Liturgy Plays

    A religious drama developed independant liturgy plays. These were performed throughout a large portion of Western Europe. This was up until the 16th century when disagreement over religious beliefs and practices led to suppression of these plays in most areas.
  • 1375

    The Plays That Have Survived

    In the British Isles, there were around 125 towns that produced plays at some point in the medieval time period. However, only a few of those plays managed to survive and be passed down. Most of the ones that did survive are part of cycles. The cycles that survived come from four towns. York, which cycle includes 48 plays, Chester, whose cycle includes 24 plays, Wakefield, whose cycle holds 32 plays, and Unidentifiable town whose cycle holds 42 plays. All of these date back to 1375.