Al capone

Al Capone Timeline

  • Al Capone was born

    Al Capone was born
    CLick HereBorn on Janurary 17, 1889 in Brooklyn New York
  • Mary "Mae" Coughlin gives birth to Al Capone's son Albert "Sonny" Francis

    Mary  "Mae" Coughlin gives birth to Al Capone's son Albert "Sonny" Francis
  • Al Capone moved to Chicago

    Al Capone moved to Chicago
    click here Al Capone wen to Chicago because the othere gangs were getting mad at him
  • Al Capone became John Torrio's number two man

    Al Capone became John Torrio's number two man
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    Torrio saw Capone's potential so he made him join his gang in his bootlegging business
  • Al Capone became leader of Torrio's gang

    Al Capone became leader of Torrio's gang
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    When Torrio died Al took over the gang and expanded the company.
  • Period: to

    Al Capone owned many busniess and made an income of $100,000,000

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    When Torrio died Al became the leader of the gang.
  • Al was arrested

    Al was arrested
    Al was arrested for killing three people but only spent one night in jail do to lack of evidence.
  • Al lost his headquarters at the Metropole Hotel

    Al lost his headquarters at the Metropole Hotel
    Al capone owned 5 room suite and 4 guest rooms until 1928
  • Al Capone moves to Florida

    Al Capone moves to Florida
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    When the mayor of Chicago hired police chief to run Capone out of Chicago Al moved to Florida.
  • Valentine's Day Massacre

    Valentine's Day Massacre
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    Al and 4 of his men killed 7 men that worked for a distillery
  • Al gives clothes to needy

    Al gives clothes to needy
    Click HereAl ordered merchants to give clothes and food to the needy at his expense.
  • Al Capone's peak of power

    Al Capone's peak of power
    Click HereAl Copone public enemy number one.
  • Al Capone's total income was $100,000,00

    Al Capone's total income was $100,000,00
  • Al Capone dies

    Al Capone dies
    Click hereal capone died do to Bronchopneumonia; a type of pneumonia. which is inflammation of the lungs.