
The Evolution of Plants

By mbeaith
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    Development of Flowers

    Development of Flowers
    Around 125 million years ago, plants developed flowers, which are the sexually reproducing organ of the plant. This allowed genes to intermingle and also provided edible food for humans (like apples).
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    Development of Stems

    Development of Stems
    412 million years ago, plants appear with stems, the spine of today's plants.
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    Development of Wood

    Development of Wood
    424 million years ago, plants (specifically trees) started having bark.
  • Development of Spores

    Development of Spores
    418 million years ago, plants started having spores (which are the bean sprout like growths that appear on bread mold).
  • Development of Roots

    Development of Roots
    Around 409 million years ago, plants developed roots to anchor themselves to the ground and to draw nutrients and moisture from the earth around them.
  • Development of Leaves

    Development of Leaves
    Around 408 million years ago, plants started having leaves, which allowed them to expand their surface area for photosynthesis.
  • Development of Seeds

    Development of Seeds
    369 million years ago, plants developed seeds as a means of reproducing themselves to a larger area.