Explorer - Skylar

  • Jan 1, 1565

    henry hudson

    Henry Hudson was born in Enland on Jan 1 1565.
  • Henry Hudson

    Henry Hudson explores Greenland and North Pole as a captain of the Hopewell.
  • Henry Hudson

    Hudson begins his 2nd voyage on the hopewell traveling along the russian coast in search of a path to Asia.
  • Henry Hudson

    Dutch east indans company provides Hudson with the half moon to seek out the northereastpassage; Hudson ends up sailing in the Atlantic waters along the North American coast and is able to claim the area that is present day New York for the Netherlands.
  • Henry Hudson

    Hudson commands the Discovery in an attempt to find the Northwest Passage; when he reaches the Arctic Ocean his crew muntinies and Hudson is set adrift never heard from again.
  • Henry Hudson

    Henry Hudson
    Henry Hudson died when he was 46 years old in 1611