9 month pregnancy changes

  • Month 1

    ·Start of the first trimester
    ·Ovulation and conception
    ·During week 4 some home pregnancy test will detect that you have conceived
    ·The embryo is just 2 cells
  • Month 2

    ·Signs of pregnancy: Extreme fatigue, frequent urination, morning sickness, and hormonal fluctuations.
    ·The baby's heart is beating.
    ·The baby's brain if formed
  • Month 3

    ·Embryo officially becomes a fetus
    ·Decresed morning sickness
    ·Fetus is the size of a plum
  • Month 4

    ·Start of the second trimester
    ·The baby's bones are hardening and will now show up in x-rays
    ·The baby is about 5 inches long and weighs about 5 ounces
  • Month 5

    ·The baby will start to kick ·The baby hearing start to develop ·A lot of discomforts like indigestion and heartburn
  • Month 6

    ·This month marks the halfway mark in the pregnancy. ·At the end of the month the baby is almost fully formed.
  • Month 7

    ·Possible contractions ·The baby's brain is now processing sights and sounds ·The baby is about 13 inches long.
  • Month 8

    ·The baby is fully formed and putting on weight ·The baby's lungs are almost fully formed
  • Month 9

    ·A lot of discomforts ·The baby is ready for the birth