Programme plan for 201011

  • Period: to

    Teacher Observations Round 1

    Programme Leaders to review each member of the team and feedback. This will provide basis for developing practice for the year ahead. peer coaching should be put in place.
  • Teacher Observations by PL begin Round 1

    Observation sheet on FROG under
  • Results analysis

    Evaluate data from results 2010 and present analysis and targets for improvement. Update self evaluation.
    Analysis to include:
    • Headline results Level 5 and/or C+ in every year.
    • Achievement of the G&T, FSM, SEN,and LAC in each year against targets
    • Year group attainment against targets
    • Gender attainment
    • Ethnicity attainment
    • Patterns of above overall and by class/teacher
    • Action plan to address any ongoing issues.
  • PDR targets for staff completed

    Discussions with PL. Use PARAGON to enter targets or objectives for year ahead. Add success criteria and actions to support achieving your objectives .
    If you intend to go through a threshold or remain on UPS3 ensure your line manager is informed and you are applying evidence to the various standards on PARAGON as you go.
  • Programme Plan written based on your 200910 self evaluation

    Plans should be based on SEF from previous year and results. This is your strategies to improve learning. Plans should have a timeframe, actions and milestones or outcomes from which to measure progress or success. It shouldn't be a list of things to do without a driving context or key issue
  • Validate your team's targets and action plans

    As a reviewer you will need to ensure that your team's targets will achieve your programme plan and that school objectives are also reflected across the team.
  • ATL module 1 analysis

    ATLs analysed. Look for patterns in data - attendance, gender ethnicity, FSM, SEN and G&T. Update programme SEF
  • Year 11 Progress evening

  • Programme meeting plan in place to support T&L development s

    Programme time is planned to share good practice and develop leadership across team. Focus on assessment and AFL practice in programme. How is student progress understood and acted upon? How is assessment used to inform progress?
  • programme meeting

  • Period: to

    Teacher Observations Round 2

    Peer Coaching observations or review
  • programme meeting

    Look at assessment process for students. How are levels and grades measured and recorded?
    Discuss reviews of individual action plans for PDRs. Give team time to update evidence on plans
  • Module 2 ATL data entered for subject

  • Module 2 analysis of ATL data

    Update SEF and act where target grades are not being met.
    • Headline current and predicted Level 5 and C+ in each year.
    • Achievement of the G&T cohort in each year against targets
    • Year group predicted attainment against target
    • Gender patterns in each year group
    • Ethnicity patterns in each year group
    • Patterns by class/teacher
    • List of students who are underachieving and any reasons
    • Action plan to address any issues raised by the data
    • LAC, SEN and FSM
  • programme meeting - Programme Action Plan review and SEF update

    Update SEF. Headings are:
    Student Attainment
    The Quality of student learning and progress
    The extent to which students feel safe
    Student behaviour
    the extent to which students adopt a healthy lifestyle
    The extent to which students contribute to the school and the wider community
    The extent to which students develop workplace and other skills that contribute to their economic well being
    The quality of teaching
    The use of assessment
  • PE Review

    PE Review
    PE review week beginning Monday 31st January 2011 for one week
  • Prog Mtg. PDRs, work scrutiny. Resouce/capitation planning for curriculum needs.

    Teacher time to update programme and add evidence. Teachers to bring exemplar of students' work to QA standards and levels/grades.
    Budgets are reviewed and planned for in the year ahead.
  • Mathematics Programme Area Review

    Mathematics Programme Area Review
    Mathematics Programme Area Review
  • Catering Review

  • Science review

    Science review
    Science programme review
  • ATL analysis and predicted grades review. Standardisation of levels.

    This should be a workshop where staff bring exemplars of students work at various levels. Staff to assess each piece and discuss levels/grades.
  • Programme meeting - learning beyond the classroom, partnerships, trips review

    Evaluate how curriculum relates to contexts beyond the classroom. What work related contexts are integrated? Examples of this could be international links, e learning collaboration, voluntary and statutory groups who support learning, trips and events
  • Period: to

    Teacher Observations Round 3

    peer coaching or review
  • Programme meeting - Student voice surveys of learning in the programme

    Feedback from students across the key stages which inform practice and assessment in the programme. Survey available on FROG under Student Voice.
  • Programme Meeting - Harnessing Web 2 and tecnology to develop learning. Managing resources

    Each member of the team to research and feedback on a resource they use or have found which develops learning.
    Reflections on resources and budgets. How is money being spent to improve T&L in the year ahead?
  • Programme Review - English