Fiestas in spain

  • Period: to

    Castellers de Vilafranca

    The farmers and craftsmen fight against each other by creating human towers more intracite than their rivals pervious attempt. IT has now grown so now whole towns have their own teams, or colla, consisting of men, women, and children. The tradition started going back to the 17th century, when it was a dance that consisted of a small number of people that balenced on each other's shoulders.
  • Moros y Cristianos

    It is held in diffirent cities on the spanish coast. The festival acts out the battle between the arabs and christians. Armies march around all day to bands playing. One of the best cities to see this from is Alcoy, In Alicante. For the festival, people prepare all year round to prepare. In the festival, they all act out different armys, so they have to buy the traditional costumes, which cost a small fortune. The captain who is best dressed donate their costumes at the end of the fiesta.
  • sevill april fair

    This festival takes place in sevile, spain about 2 weeks after easter and runs until the following sunday.everyday at noon there is a procession called 'Paseo de Caballos' where local girls dressed in their full flamenco outfits ride throught the streets in large chariots. there are also exclusively spanish events that include bullfighting.
  • Pampolona Bull Run

    It is the festival of San Fermin happens every year on the 6th of July. there is evidence from as far back as the 13th century. everyone gathers in the main square, awaiting for the mayor's official decleration that the fiesta has started. the fireworks start, and the festivities begin! over the many years that the festivals have been celebrated, the main intention has been diluted. it used to be a religious affair, nowadays its a festival, a happy festival rather than a religous rememberance.
  • La Tomatina

    The La Tomatina tomato fight in Buñol happens every year on the last wednesday of august. The highlight is the tomato fight from 11am to 1pm. It has become on of Spain's highlighted summer festivals. The sheer number of people make it hard to get to the central area, but no one is left out. It started when some young people staged a fight with tomatos, then the police intervined, but they did the same next year and kept on doing it until it unofficialy became established.