
  • Nov 17, 1000


    The Aboriginals did not have alot of food and they also did not have alot of land. In canada we have lots of resources. We also have lots of food and we have lots of freedom in Canada.
  • Nov 2, 1500

    Early Europeans

    Early Europeans
    Push factores they did not have alot of land. They did not have alot of resources they did not have alot of furs. Pull factores in Canada we have lots of land we have lots more resources and we also have furs that where from the Aboriginals.
  • French

    Push factores.They did not have alot of land. They did not have good jobs and they did not have alot of money. The French pepole had haresh laws. In Canada we have lots of land we have lots of opportuines to make money.
  • British

    Push factores the british did not have alos of land or good jobs. They also didient have alot of freedome.Pull Factore in Canada we have more land and we have lots of freedome.
  • Americans

    Push factor. There is alot of people in that country. You had to pay for medical care. They have less land. Pull factor . In Canada we have free helth care. There is less people in the country. IN Canada we have more land.
  • China

    In China they did not have alot of land they did not have very good jobs and without that they would not have a good future. In Canada we have lots of good jobs we have lots of land and in Canada you will have a better future they also wanted to come to Canada to get rich.
  • Northern Europeans

    Northern Europeans
    Northen Europeans did not have alot of land they did not have much freedom and they dident have good jabs. In Canada we have much bigger land. People can have their own farm and corps. The country is more bigger.
  • Southern Europeans

    Southern Europeans
    Pull factor. They have less land. They dont have lots of money. They have less land. In Canada we have more land. We have more money.
  • African and Caribbean

    African and Caribbean
    Push factor.Not alot of job opportines. The country did not have alot of money. The country gets very hot. Somepeople did not have good homes. Pull factor. We have lots of job opportiunes. We have better homes. The country never gets too hot. The country has alot of money.
  • Asians

    The Asians did not have alot of land. They did not have good jobs. There are lots of people in their country. They dident have good futures. They wanted to come to Canada because there is more money opportunies. we have lots of land. There is less people in Canada. In Canada you can have a better future.
  • South Asian

    South Asian
    Pull factor. There are lots of people living in their country. They dident have good jobs. They did not have alot of land. Their country did not have alot of money. Push factor. In Canada there are less people. In Canada we have bvetter houses.
  • Hong Kong

    Hong Kong
    Push factor. There are lots of people in the country. The country does not have good jobs. Less freedom. Pull factor. In Canada there are less people. There are better jobs. We have lots of freedom.
  • interviwe

    Push factor. Most of their family lived in Canada. They came to Canada to have a better and have better education. They left their country in 1983. Their country of birth was Guyana. Pull factor. There first job was at Harveys. They onley speak english. They got to earn their citizenship in Canada. They did not miss anyone because therefamily came with them. They prefer Canada than their home country.
  • Afgjhanistan

    Push factore.People where intimated by the goverment. There country was not peacfull. The country was very hot. There was not very good job opportuines. In Canada the air is fresh. There was lots of job opportuines. In Canada its more peacfull. The country is never too hot.