
  • Intel is founded!

    Intel is founded!
    Bob Noyce and Gordon Moore incorporate N M Electronics, which is soon renamed Intel Corporation.
  • Period: to


  • 3101 RAM type - Intel's first Product!

    3101 RAM type - Intel's first Product!
  • DRAM is Developed

    DRAM is Developed
    DRAM = Dynamic Random Access Memory
  • Intel 4004

    Intel 4004
    Intel introduces the world's first microprocessor and goes public. The Intel 4004 was their first Microprocessor. 2,300 transistors
  • 8080

    It was the first truly general purpose microprocessor. For $360, Intel sold a whole computer on one chip, while conventional computers sold for thousands of dollars.
  • 8086 Microprocessor released

    8086 Microprocessor released
  • IBM Chooses Intel for the first personal computer

    IBM Chooses Intel for the first personal computer
    IBM chose the 8008, the 8086's 8-bit cousin, for its personal computer in 1980
  • Sales Reach 1 Billion

    Sales Reach 1 Billion
  • Net sales over $1 billion

    Net sales over $1 billion
  • The Pentium chip is released

    The fifth generation chip, the Pentium, debuts.
  • Pentium II

    Company introduces the Pentium II microprocessor.
  • Intel Celeron Processor

  • Dow Jones addition & Pentium III

    Added to the Dow Jones Industrial Average. And the release of the Pentium III Processor
  • Pentium 4

    First microprocessor with a 1- gigahertz clock speed
  • Centrino chipset released

  • Partership with Apple

  • Core 2 Duo Processor realeased

    max clock speed of 3.33 Mhz
  • Craig Barrett retires after 35 years at Intel

  • Intel Buys McAfee

    Cost: 7.68 Billion!
  • 25th anniversary of the Microprocessor