
Johnny Tremain Chapters 5-8

  • Chapter 5: The Boston Observer

    Chapter 5: The Boston Observer
    Johnny is still desperately trying to find a job, so he decides to sell his silver cup for money to tide him over. He believes that he can ask the highest price from Lyte, since Lyte would want the cup to round out his set. When Johnny approaches Lyte, however, the crooked older man tries to have Johnny arrested again by claiming that Johnny has just confessed to him. Lyte’s elderly clerks agree to testify that Johnny privately confessed his crime. Johnny hurls insults at Lyte before frantically
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    Chapter 5: The Boston Observer

    Johnny continues to model his behavior on Rab’s example and explicit advice. When Rab suggests that Johnny try to tame his temper, Johnny vows not to act so rashly. Soon afterward, Samuel Adams’s slave accidentally splashes dishwater on Johnny, and he suppresses his natural instinct to lash out angrily. The slave girl apologizes profusely and dries Johnny’s clothes, while he eats some of her apple pie.
  • Chapter 6: Salt-Water Tea

    Chapter 6: Salt-Water Tea
    Johnny’s powerful new Whig friends, resent the fact that England levies taxes on them without allowing them to represent themselves in government. Therefore, when England sends a shipment of tea with a small tax attached, the Boston Observers schedule a meeting to discuss their next steps.
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    Chapter 6: Salt-water Tea

    Josiah Quincy and John Adams prevent Johnny from notifying James Otis about the meeting, even though he is the founder of the organization, because Otis is mentally unstable. When Johnny informs Doctor Warren of the meeting, the kind physician asks Johnny if he can examine his hand, but Johnny refuses. Meanwhile, the Sons of Liberty post placards calling for opposition to the shipment of tea. Johnny is excited by the hubbub, but when a Whig mob brutally beats a Tory right outside the Observer sh
  • Chapter 7: The Fiddller's Bill

    Chapter 7: The Fiddller's Bill
    England closes the port of Boston until the colonists pay for the tea, and British soldiers occupy the city. Commerce grinds to a halt, but the city refuses to be starved into submission. Lorne and other printers continue to print Whig papers despite the danger of treason charges. Local militias form and begin drilling with old, worn-out firearms. Many of the British soldiers sympathize with the colonists, and many others would prefer to be with their families than in Boston. Meanwhile, other co
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    Chapter 7: Fiddler's Bill

    ohnny enters Lorne’s shop one afternoon to find Cilla doing a sketch for the Observer. Her easy manner with Rab makes him intensely jealous. Cilla reports that Lavinia, Lyte’s daughter, became so enchanted with Isannah that she requested that the child live with her. Mrs. Lapham was happy to oblige, but Isannah refused to go without Cilla. Thus, Cilla now works as a servant in the Lyte house, while Lavinia parades Isannah around Boston high society like a prized pet
  • Chapter 8: A World To Come

    Chapter 8: A World To Come
    Mrs. Bessie warns the Lytes just before the Whig mob comes for them because she cannot bear to see them treated roughly. The Lytes escape from their country house and head toward Boston with only the clothing on their backs. Jonathan Lyte has an anxiety attack due to the scare, so Doctor Warren instructs Lavinia to keep him away from stress. Cilla and Johnny borrow Doctor Warren’s carriage and horse so they can return to the Lytes’ country house.
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    Chapter 8: A World To Come

    Rab is caught trying to buy a gun from a farmer who resells British muskets. The British soldiers tar and feather the farmer, but Rab is not punished because he is so young. Meanwhile, Johnny finds it difficult to think of the British as targets rather than people. Madge elopes with Sergeant Gale, so Mrs. Lapham herself marries Mr. Tweedie to keep the silver shop in the family. Johnny learns that Rab has been earnestly courting Cilla, but Cilla finally decides that she likes Johnny best.