Canadian History 1920s & 1930s TIMELINE

  • Spanish Flu

    Spanish Flu
    Who: as soldiers returned home, they were all sick with the
    What: Influenza Epidemic "Spanish flu"
    Where: schools, theatres, and churched closed their doors to stop the spread
    When: The flu was what made the government go into action by opening a Federal Department of health which was created in 1919
    Why: weakened people with the flu by giving them pneumonia
    How: this made the government start taking rates such as crime rates, death rates, and infant mortality rates
  • Prohibition

    Who: Federal government
    What: Federal government introduces prohibition –. Dropped crime rate and arrests for drunken people decreased rapidly
    When: prohibition was ended in 1933
    Where: The United States
    Why: led to bootleg booze (a new kind of crime in which illegal liquor was sold across the country)
    How: they weren’t allowed to sell, make, and transport or import liquor across the country
  • Period: to

    Canadian History 1920s & 1930s TIMELINE

  • The Winnipeg General Strike

    The Winnipeg General Strike
    Who: a lot of immigrants settled in the city in Winnipeg especially in a neighbourhood called "North End"
    What: the Building and Metal Trades Councils voted to go on strike
    When: May 1, 1919
    Where: Winnipeg
    Why: they wanted to improve working ideas and living conditions
    How: Winnipeg was split into 2 hostiles: one side were the strikers, their families and their supporters the other side were the owners, the employers and leading citizens of Winnipeg
  • League of Indians

    League of Indians
    Who: Frederick Loft, a Mohawk veteran from World War I, organized the league
    When: 1919
    What: The League of Indians, the league worked better with health and education programs with the help of Edward Ahenakew.
    Why: Loft believed that Aboriginal people should have the right to vote with out giving up their status
    Where: Edward Ahenakew helped to extend the league into western Canada.
    How: the government made it illegal for Aboriginals to raise funds for land claims
  • The Group of Seven

    The Group of Seven
    Who: The Group of Seven, where Canadian landscape artists
    What: were determined to create art that dealt with Canadian experience.
    When: October 1920
    Where: The first exhibition of paintings by the group was held at the Art Gallery of Ontario
    Why: The Group of Seven wanted to paint in their own way and didn’t like how others were painting. They wanted to do their own thing and start a new type of painting. Their paintings were very inspiring and beautiful. A lot of people enjoyed their spectac
  • Assembly Line

    Assembly Line
    Who: Was created by Henry Ford- Each worker on the assembly line had a separate job
    What: Ran from one end of a building to anotherWhen: 15 Oct 1920
    Why: The assembly line was a big push for mass production
    How: The cars made traveling more comfortable for families and farmers
  • The Branch Plant System

    The Branch Plant System
    Who: The Branch Plant
    What: These branch industries were copies of the American parent company.
    Where: Canada and United States
    When: 1920
    Why: In this way the parent company avoided paying high tariffs on imports at the border
    How: They produced the same products as the parent company in the United States but the products could be marked “Made in Canada”.
  • The Discovery of Insulin

    The Discovery of Insulin
    Who: Over a million North American suffered with diabetes, Canadian medical researchers discovered insulin. Frederick Banting was given the most credit for this discovery and was assisted by a student, Charles Best
    What: The Discovery of Insulin, 1923, Banting and Macleod were awarded the Nobel Prize and shared $40000 with Charles Best
    Where: University of Toronto
    When: Nov. 11, 1922
    Why: Thousand died every year from the illness
    How: In 1920, Banting thought of getting hormones from dogs
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    Who: The Chinese students, merchants, and diplomats
    What: Chinese Exclusion act was the act that banned all Chinese students, merchant, and diplomats from entering Canada. Only 8 Chinese people were admitted to Canada in 1947
    When: July 1, 1923
    Where: Canada
    Why: The provincial edict was stamped by the governor and as per the wording of the act, it was put into effect immediately
  • The Royal Canadian Air Force

    The Royal Canadian Air Force
    Who: The Royal Canadian Air Force
    What: was the air force of Canada from 1924 until 1968 when the three branches of the Canadian military were merged into the Canadian Forces
    When: 1924
    Where: RCAF was made in Canada
    Why: The government believed military planed could be justified only if they were used for peaceful purposes as well.
    How: Early RCAF pilots conducted surveys, patrolled for forest fires, watched for smuggling along Canada’s coasts, and checked on fishing boats
  • Persons Case

    Persons Case
    Who: The Person’s Case
    What: it underlined the inequality of women still faced
    When: August 1927
    Where: Canada
    Why: Women were not considered “people” A lawyer demanded Emily Murphy, the first woman judge, to judge any case because he believed she wouldn’t be able to do it because to him no woman was a “person”. Women were treated unfair. The men were more acknowledged and women were treated like dirt.
    How: Over the next several years, women’s groups asked the prime minister to appoint a woman
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    Who: Black Tuesday
    What: the stock market crashed, one of the most violent and dramatic actions
    When: 29 Oct 1929
    Why: For a month, prices spurted up and down, mostly down.
    How: Politicians did not understand the problems facing the economy so they took no action to regulate the purchase and sale of stocks
  • Five-Cent Piece Speech

    Five-Cent Piece Speech
    Who: Given by Mackenzie King
    What: A speech about how the social well-being was what was responsible of the provinces, Richard Bedford Bennett replaced Mackenzie King
    When: 1930
    Why: One of the reasons the Liberals lost to the Conservatives in the election
    How: Declared that he wouldn't give a "five cent piece" to any province that was without a Liberal government
  • Statue of Westminister

    Statue of Westminister
    What: Statue of Wesminster
    When: 11 Dec 1931
    Where: British parliament passed the Statute of Westminster
    Why: Canada became completely self-governing
    How: made the proposal of the Balfour Report Law
  • On to Ottawa Trek

    On to Ottawa Trek
    What: A lot of men were getting tired of relief camps in B.C. boarded freight trains to Ottawa to protest against the government. They were joined by other men as they moved east and wanted clear economic improvements
    When: 20 Jun 1935
    Where: Ottawa
    Why: a horrible riot occured
    How: Prime MinisterBennett claimed they were going against the law and part of a plot to overthrow the government.