Social Studies:ThirteenColonies

By belk023
  • Jamestown

    Jamestown was the first English settlement in North America
  • Massachusetts

    Massachusetts was founded by the Massachusetts Bay Company
  • Maryland

    Founded by Lord Baltimore. It was governed by a single power, people (men) were allowed to vote.
  • Rhode Island

    Founded by Roger Williams, he believed that the state and the church should be kept apart.
  • Conneticut

    Thomas Hooker founded Conneticut, the state had the First Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
  • Carolina

    Large land grants and free religion.
  • New York

    Founded by the Duke of York, had free religiong and great ethnic from different countires.
  • New Jersey

    Had large land grants and freedom of religion.
  • New Hampshire

    It had a representative government, and was founded by John Wheelwright.
  • Pennsylvania

    Founded by William Penn, Quakers could practice belief freee of persecution.
  • Delaware

    Also founded by William Penn.
  • North Carolina

    Once was northern part of Carolina, but colonist were unhappy that they werent protected enough from the spanish, so they became two different colonies. They grew and exported rice and they needed many slaves. Ruled by governors appointed by the king. Carlonia planters were the richest group on the eastern seaboard.
  • South Carolina

    Once was northern part of Carolina, but colonist were unhappy that they werent protected enough from the spanish, so they became two different colonies. They grew and exported rice and they needed many slaves. Ruled by governors appointed by the king. Carlonia planters were the richest group on the eastern seaboard.
  • Gerogia

    Founded by James Oglethorpe, he banned slavery and had very strict rules. Catholics were banned, the debters and poor could have a fresh start here with small farms.