Colonies Project Ernesto Mori Bell #1

By morie74
  • Jamestown, Virginia

    Was the first English settlement in North America
  • Plymouth, Massauchusetts

    Founded by William Bradford and later jioned Massauchsetts.
  • Connecticut

    Fundemental order of Connecticut
  • Maryland

    Founded by Lord Baltimore who was a proprietor
  • Rhode Island

    founded by Roger William and believe church should be kept apart.
  • New York

    The Duke of York had founded New York and ahd great ethnic and religious deversity.
  • New Jersey

    Founded by Sir George and the church was not supported by tax.
  • South Carolina

    Had a lot of slave labour and over threw proprietor.
  • New Hmapshire

    Founded by John Whellright and had a representive self government.
  • Pennysilvania

    Founded by William Penn and Quakers were allowed to practice their religion.
  • North Carolina

    Had slaves for to work on rice plantations.
  • Delaware

    Founded by Willaim Penn and had shipping, comerce, and farming.
  • Gerogia

    Founded by James Oglethorpe and had strict laws against slavery until the king took over and slaves were used.