Northern Battles

  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    Battle of Lexington and Concord
    800 British troops were on the march to seize an arsenal of weapons stored in Concord. They were met at Lexington by a militia of 70 minutemen, and killed 8. Most weapons had been hidden by the time the British reached Concord. Marching back to Boston, the Redcoats were shot at by 4000 Patriots. 70 British soldiers were killed; 170 were either wounded or missing. Victory went to the Patriots because they only suffered 90 casualties.
  • Capture of Fort Ticonderoga

    Capture of Fort Ticonderoga
    The British outpost of Fort Ticonderoga was captured on May 10, 1775. A small militia, mainly consisting of men from Vermont, aptly named the Green Mountain Boys, was led by Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold. The militia was able to overpower the British troops, gaining much needed weapons from the fort to support the Patriots in the war.
  • Siege Of Boston

    Siege Of Boston
    Realizing the need for a stronger and lasting army, the Patriots led a siege onto the British-occupied Boston. Patriots destroyed British supplies before they could reach Boston, slowly forcing the city into surrender. The British general, Howe, realized the severity of the situation and called for a retreat.
  • Battle Of Bunker Hill

    Battle Of Bunker Hill
    As a result of being trapped in Boston, the British tried to gain an advantage over the colonists by winning high ground. To do this, they planned to capture Breed's Hill and Bunker Hill. The British attacked and won, but suffered heavy losses.
  • Battle Of Quebec

    Battle Of Quebec
    The Battle of Quebec was an attempt by American revolutionists to capture Quebec and make people fight and support the Revolutionary War. Benedict Arnold and Richard Montgomery were the two most important commanders in the battle that eventually failed. The battle was the high point of the American invasion of Canada and put an end to any hopes of French Canada joining rebellion with America.
  • Battle of Long Island

    Battle of Long Island
    Because he knew the british wanted New York, Washington positioned his troops on long Island. However, the American casualties became too great, and they were forced to retreat.
  • Battle Of The White Plains

    Battle Of The White Plains
    Determined to outflank the Patriot troops, British general Howe decided to land troops at Throg's Neck. The expected landing site was guarded by American troops, forcing the British to go further up the river. Washington held his men on th White Plains, and fortified a position between Bronx River and Crotton River. However, for some reason, the British attack was unmounted and allowed Washington to advance.
  • The Battle of Trenton

    The Battle of Trenton
    Running low on finances, supplies and seasoned troops, George Washington needed to find a way to win. He decided to attack during the water, breaking a tradition. 2,400 boats crossed the icy Delaware River, carrying Patriot troops. They launched a sneak attack on 1,400 mercenaries, capturing most of them while suffering only five casulaties themselves.
  • Battle Of Princeton

    Battle Of Princeton
    A few days after the Battle of Trenton, Washington made an attack on the town of Princeton. They left fires burning at their camp to fool the British, and marched on with 5000 troops. The next morning they were spotted, and the British attacked. The Patriots came out victorious.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    General Howe moved his 15000 troop army from New York to attack Philadelphia. The 10500 defenders were defeated at Brandywine Creek in early September. Later in September the British occupied Philadelphia. In mid-September, the Americans attacked the British forces.