•Columbus "discovers" America

  • Aug 3, 1492

    •Columbus "discovers" America

    •Columbus "discovers" America
    On august 3, 1492 Cristopher Columbus set sail from spain with three small sailing ships. The Pinta, the Nina and the santa maria on a voyagethat eventually led him to america.
  • Jamestown Colony created

    Jamestown Colony created
    June of 1606, King James granted a charter to a group of London entrepreneurs. In December, 104 settlers sailed from London instructed to settle Virginia, find gold, and seek a water route to the Orient.
  • Plymouth Colony

    Plymouth Colony
    November 11, 1620
    The Mayflower anchors in Provincetown Harbor, the passengers having decided to settle in New England.
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony

    Massachusetts Bay Colony
    On June 12, 1630, the flagship of the Massachusetts Bay Company arrived in Salem to officially found the new colony. The company was founded by English Puritans, most of them were educated and healthy.
  • New Amsterdam becomes New York

    New Amsterdam becomes New York
    1733, The City's Common Council announces that Bowling Green, originally part of the Dutch cattle market, the henceforth be enclosed and improved for the recreation and delight of its residents. Legend has it that Bowling Green is the place where Peter Minuit transacted with the Indians for the purchase of Manhattan Island.