Unit 1: French & Indian War

  • Aug 3, 1492

    •Columbus "discovers" America

    Columbus led his three ships - the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria - out of the Spanish port of Palos on August 3, 1492.
  • Jamestown Colony

    It is the first permanent English settlement in what is now the United States of America,
  • Plymouth Colony

    The Plymouth Colony was established by Separatist Pilgrims who had travelled from Europe in order to flee religious persecution and establish a religious community separate from the Church of England.
  • New Amsterdam becomes New York

    The expedition against New Amsterdam had been organized with the Duke of York, afterward King James II.,
  • Massachusetts Bay

    Plans for the first permanent European settlements on the east coast of North America began in late 1606, when King James I of England (James VI of Scotland) formed two joint stock companies.
  • William Penn creates Pennsylvania

    On March 5, 1681, one day after receiving his royal charter for Pennsylvania, William Penn wrote that he believed God would make his colony "the seed of the nation."
  • •The French & Indian War

    In the early part of the eighteenth century, the trans-Appalachian region of North America remained much as it had been for the preceding centuries.
  • George Washington assaults Fort Duquesne

    The French drove the Virginians away on Apr. 17, 1754, and completed the fort; they named it after the Marquis de Duquesne, governor-general of New France.
  • •Albany Congress

    at Albany, N.Y., which advocated a union of the British colonies in North America for their security and defense against the French, foreshadowing their later unification.