Ymc articles 70s child

70s Decade

  • First IBM Semiconductor Computer

    First IBM Semiconductor Computer
    In 1970, IBM released the first computer to use semiconductor memory. Robert Dennard after attending a colleague's presentation was inspired to invent the dynamic random-access memory or DRAM. Because of this invention, we now have DRAM everywhere from our smartphones to computers and many other personal electronic devices.
  • C Programing Language Released

    C Programing Language Released
    The C programming language is the language that many other programming languages are written from. Without this, we would not have many other items within the computer family.
  • Cray-1 Supercomputer

    Cray-1 Supercomputer
    The Cray-1 was the faster computer and supercomputer of its day. It had an intricate design to help data travel through its cables faster. These types of computers were often used by the government in the defense department.
  • Apple-1

    This was a single-board computer for those people who were crazy about computers in the 70s. Created by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs this was the beginning of the company we now know as Apple.
  • Atari

    The was a video game console that helped boost the gaming industry. It provided many people with fun after selling more than twenty million units.