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Unit 1 French and Indian War

  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus Discovers America

    Columbus Discovers America
    Christopher Columbus arrived to America on October 12, 1492. This was his first voyage.
  • Jamestown Colony is Created

    Jamestown Colony is Created
    This is the first permanent english settlement in the United States. It was founded by the London Colony
  • Plymouth Colony Created

    Plymouth Colony Created
    Plymouth Colony was created and named by Captain John Smith. It was disestablished in 1691
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony Created

    Massachusetts Bay Colony Created
    The Massachusetts Bay Colony was created in the 17th century (1629). It was disestablished in 1692.
  • New Amsterdam becomes New York

    New Amsterdam becomes New York
    Dutch Governor Peter Stuyvesant surrenders New Amsterdam, the capital of New Netherland, to an English naval squadron under Colonel Richard Nicolls.
  • William Penn creates Pennsylvania

    William Penn creates Pennsylvania
    William Penn saw an opportunity to create a colony that allowed for freedom of religion.
  • Albany Congress meets

    Albany Congress meets
    The Albany Congress met in an attempt to resolve two pressing problems in the Ohio Valley of the American Colonies, the English Board of Trade had called a Congress of the New England Colonies.
  • George Washington assaults Fort Duquesne

    George Washington assaults Fort Duquesne
    The engagement was one of the first battles of the French and Indian War and George Washington's only military surrender. The battle, along with the May 28 Battle of Jumonville Glen, contributed to a series of military escalations that resulted in the global Seven Years' War.
  • The French and Indian War Conclude

    The French and Indian War Conclude
    James Wolfe captured Quebec, then French and Indian War ended.