unit one

  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus ''discovers '' America

    Columbus ''discovers '' America
    Cristopher Columbus was hoping to travel west to find a better way to Asia. But he found America instead.
  • Jamestown Colony

    Jamestown Colony
    Jamestown was founded in Virginia. It was the first english settlement in the New Land.
  • Plymouth Colony

    Plymouth Colony
    The Mayflower dropped anchor on November 21,1620. But it didn't become the Plymoth Colony until decmeber 26, 1620.
  • New Amsterdam becomes New York

    New Amsterdam becomes New York
    New Amsterdam was established on Governers Island until the british took it over in 1674 and called it New York.
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony

    Massachusetts Bay Colony
    The Massachusetts Bay Colony was founded by English Puritans. The first governer of the Colony was John Winthrop.
  • Wiliam Penn creates Pennsylvinia

    Wiliam Penn creates Pennsylvinia
    William Penn founded Pennsylvania in 1677. He got the land because the King of England owed the Penn family money from a loan.
  • George Washingtong assaultes Fort Duquesne

    George Washingtong assaultes Fort Duquesne
    George Washington s Militia had failed to reach the fort before the French reached it. The French left there postions to advancing British troops with out a fight.
  • Albany Congress meet

    Albany Congress meet
    The Albany Plan was to Manage defence, Indian affairs,pass laws and raise taxes.
  • The French and Indian War concludes

    The French and Indian War concludes
    A treaty of peace was signed in paris but it later had changes to it that were in favor of Britain.