Unit 1 : French and Indian War

  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus "discocvers" America

    Columbus "discocvers" America
    Columbus landed at the island of San Salvador in the Carribean on this day. Columbus never made it to America due to his death. Columbus was not out to discover the New World but to travel to the other side of Asia. The trip took longer than they had planned not realizing the the size of the Earth. He did have to lie in one of the journals on their time traveling. When they hit land it wasn't Asia, but it was inhabbited by Indians.
  • Jamestown Colony created

    Jamestown Colony created
    Virginia explorers landed in the Jamestown Island to establish the Virginia English Colony on the James River this was the Jamestown colony. The only got a fort built due to frequent attacks from the Indians. The did get a sketch for a church, storehouses and a number of houses.
  • Plymouth Colony Created

    Plymouth Colony Created
    This settlement was surveyed by John Smith. Plymouth colonies was one of the earliest colonies founded by the English. The laws and social system was based alot on their religous beliefs. Plymouth colony had a short history.
  • Massachusettes Colony created

    Massachusettes Colony created
    Was founded by England Puritans. It was one of the most important colonies settled. The leaders had wealth, wise minds and were farseeing. There main job was building a church and getting there religion instruction. The minister was the most important man in the colony. You also had to be a member of the church to vote or have any say. Relgion was a big part of the Massadchusettes Colony.
  • New Amsterdam becomes New York

    New Amsterdam becomes New York
    James, the duke of York claimed this land. English troops sent ships out to New Amsterdam ready to fight. The governer ordered the colony to fight but they would'nt make a move. New Amsterdam became New York with out any battle.
  • William Penn creates Pennsylvania

    William Penn creates Pennsylvania
    The king gave William Penn land for what he owed his father. William Penn worked quickley to build his colony. He created a town to promote commerence and government. This is now known as Pennsylvania.
  • Albany Congress meets

    Albany Congress meets
    The government manage to handle situations with the Indian affair, pass laws and raise taxes. The plan was to stop them from taking the Ohio River. It would link the French territories with Canada and block the English colonies.
  • George Washington assaults Fort Dequesne

    George Washington assaults Fort Dequesne
    The French took over this Fort and then named it the Fort Dequesne. At this time George was not with them he was in the west. Then he had heard that the British were going attack so he attacked them first. This was part of theFrench and Indian War.
  • The French and Indian War concludes

    The French and Indian War concludes
    The British win the French and Indian war after 7 years of fighting. The Bristish now expected the colonies to pay their own way.