Unit 1: Fench + Indian War

  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus "discovers" America

    Columbus "discovers" America
    On this day, Columbus landed at San Salvador in the Caribbean.His "discovery" lead Europeans to start colonizing in North and South America.
  • Jamestown Colony Created

    Jamestown Colony Created
    Jamestown was the first permanent english settlement in America.
  • Plymouth Colony Created

    Plymouth Colony Created
    The plymouth colony was named by John Smith
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony Created

    Massachusetts Bay Colony Created
    John Winthrop was the first governer of the colony.
  • New Amsterdam becomes New York

    New Amsterdam becomes New York
    It was named New York when the Duke of York was given this land.
  • William Penn creates Pennsylvania

    William Penn creates Pennsylvania
    He created Pennsylvania for a refuge for quaker at the time.
  • George Washington assaults Fort Duquesne

    George Washington assaults Fort Duquesne
    The French won even after George Washingtons attack.
  • The French and Indian War conculudes

    The French and Indian War conculudes
    It ended with a signing of a treaty.
  • Ablany Congress meets

    Ablany Congress meets
    They met in Albany, NY.