Unit 1: French and Indian War

  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus "discovers" America

    Columbus "discovers" America
    On this day, Christopher Columbus landed at San Salvador in the Caribbean. Then he went back to Europe. His "discovery" leads Europeans to start colonizing in North and Southn America.
  • Jamestown Colony created

    Jamestown Colony created
    The first permanent English colony in America is founded. It is located in present day Virginia.
  • Plymouth Colony created

    Plymouth Colony created
    The Pilgriams settled America's first Puritan settlement. William Brewster; John Carver, Edward Winslow, and William Bradford were a few of the passangers on the Mayflower. Plymoth is in what is now Massachusetts.
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony created

    Massachusetts Bay Colony created
    Massachusetts Bay colony was founded by wealthy and educated Engish Puritans. The first governor of of the Massachusetts Bay colony was John Winthrop. A general court became the highest authority in the new colony.
  • New Amsterdam becomes New York

    New Amsterdam becomes New York
    The British brought soliders to take over New Amesterdam. However the people living there at the time weren't motivated to fight for the land. The Bristish took over the colony without any violence.
  • William Penn creates Pennsylvania

    William Penn creates Pennsylvania
    William Penn received the land from a grant that was owed to his father, who had already died. He created the colony so everyone could have have freedom of religion.
  • George Washington assaults Fort Duquesne

    George Washington assaults Fort Duquesne
    George Washington fired a shot at a French camp just outside of the fort. This event is what started the French and Indian War.
  • Albany Congress meets

    Albany Congress meets
    The Albany Congress meet to come up with a plan to keep the French from taking over the Ohio Valley. If the French took over the Ohio Valley, the British wouldn't have been able to expand their colonies. The Congress was also trying to keep the Iroquois happy. That way they could be allies against the British. Benjamin Franklin wrote the Albany Plan.
  • The French & Indian War concludes

    The French & Indian War concludes
    The French were defeated in Qubec. Then the Treaty of Paris was signed, officially ending the war.