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Unit Circle Unit

By dnuccio
  • Introduction to the unit circle

    Know and apply the co-function and reciprocal relationships between trigonometric ratios,
    Use the reciprocal and co-function relationships to find the value of the secant, cosecant and cotangent of 0,30,45,60,90,180 and 270 degree angles.
  • Period: to

    Unit on the Unit Circle

  • Cartesian Coordinates related to Sine and Cosine

    Sketch the unit circle and represent angles in standard position.
    Introduction to use of Sine and Cosine related to these Cartesian Coordinates in a unit circle.
  • Equation of a Circle

    Relating the equation of a circle in Cartesian coordinates to use of Sine and Cosine ratios.
  • Circle Coordinates

    Coordinates of circles in terms of sine and cosine of a given angle. Use of vectors in science and math will be discussed.