The Prime Minister of Britain, Neville Chamberlain, declares war on Germany

By cleocon
  • World War 2 - The Prime Minister of Britain, Neville Chamberlain, declares war on Germany

    World War 2 - The Prime Minister of Britain, Neville Chamberlain, declares war on Germany
    The Prime Minister of Britain, Neville Chamberlain, declares war on Germany
  • France, Australia and New Zealand also declares war on Germany

  • South Africa declares war on Germany.

  • Canada declares war on Germany

    Canada declares war on Germany
  • The Soviet Union invades Poland from the east.

    The Soviet Union invades  Poland from the east.
  • The Soviet Union invades Finland

    The Soviet Union invades Finland
  • Germany invades Norway and Denmark. Denmark surrenders on the day of the attack; Norway holds out until June 9.

    Germany invades Norway and Denmark. Denmark surrenders on the day of the attack; Norway holds out until June 9.
  • Winston Churchill becomes the new British Prime Minister, replacing Neville Chamberlain.

    Winston Churchill becomes the new British Prime Minister, replacing Neville Chamberlain.
  • Germany attacks western Europe - Luxembourg, Holland and Belgium. Luxemburg surrenders to the Germans

    Germany attacks western Europe - Luxembourg, Holland and Belgium.  Luxemburg surrenders to the Germans
  • The German army enters France

    The German army enters France
  • Holland surrenders to the Germans.

  • The Local Defence Volunteers (Dad's Army) is created in Britain. It was later called the Home Guard

    The Local Defence Volunteers (Dad's Army) is created in  Britain. It was later called the Home Guard
  • The evacuation of 340,000 soldiers of the British and French armies from the beaches of Dunkirk.

    The evacuation of 340,000 soldiers of the British and  French armies from the beaches of Dunkirk.
  • Belgium surrenders to the Germans

    Belgium surrenders to the Germans
  • Norway surrenders to the Germans

    Norway surrenders to the Germans
  • Italy enters the war and declares war on Britain and France

    Italy enters the war and declares war on  Britain and  France
  • German troups conquer most of France. France surrenders to the Germans

    German troups conquer most of  France. France surrenders to the Germans
  • Battle of Britain begins

    Battle of Britain begins
  • The London Blitz starts

    The London Blitz starts
  • Germany, Italy, and Japan sign the Tripartite Pact

    Germany,  Italy, and  Japan sign the Tripartite Pact
  • Germany invades Yugoslavia and Greece.

    Germany invades Yugoslavia and  Greece.
  • Germany invades Russia

    Germany invades Russia
  • The Japanese attack the USA Naval Base at Pearl Harbour, Hawaii

    The  Japanese attack the USA Naval Base at Pearl Harbour, Hawaii
  • The United States declares war on Japan, entering World War II.

    The  United States declares war on  Japan, entering World War II.
  • Germany and Italy declare war on the United States United States formally declares declares war on Germany and Italy.

  • British and U.S. troops win back North Africa

    British and  U.S. troops win back North Africa
  • Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in occupied Poland The largest single revolt by Jews against the Nazis during WW2.

    Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in occupied Poland The largest single revolt by Jews against the Nazis during WW2.
  • Italy surrenders

    Italy surrenders
  • Italy swaps sides and declares war on Germany

  • British and U.S. troops successfully land on the Normandy beaches of France, opening a “Second Front” against the Germans. This day is known as D-Day

    British and U.S. troops successfully land on the Normandy beaches of  France, opening a “Second Front” against the Germans. This day is known as D-Day
  • Allied troops reach Paris

    Allied troops reach  Paris
  • The Germans launch a final offensive in the west, known as the Battle of the Bulge, in an attempt to re-conquer Belgium and split the Allied forces along the German border.

    The Germans launch a final offensive in the west, known as the Battle of the Bulge, in an attempt to re-conquer Belgium and split the Allied forces along the German border.
  • Germany surrenders to the western Allies.

    Germany surrenders to the western Allies.
  • Winston Churchill announces VE Day - Victory in Europe. British people wave flags, sing and dance in the streets. WW2 ends in Europe

    Winston Churchill announces VE Day - Victory in Europe. British people wave flags, sing and dance in the streets. WW2 ends in Europe
  • Hitler commits suicide

    Hitler commits suicide
  • The first atomic bomb is dropped by The United States on Hiroshima killing 78,000 citizens

    The first atomic bomb is dropped by  The United States on  Hiroshima killing 78,000 citizens
  • The United States drops an atomic bomb on Nagasaki.

    The United States drops an atomic bomb on  Nagasaki.
  • Having agreed in principle to unconditional surrender on August 14, 1945, Japan formally surrenders, ending World War II

    Having agreed in principle to unconditional surrender on August 14, 1945, Japan formally surrenders, ending World War II