Rebeca Rodriguez Lopez

By rebecah
  • Period: to

    1 year old

    yo cumpli un año
    Cuando tenia un año me caí por las escaleras..
  • I was born in ...

    II was born in Almeria ( in the hospital )
  • 1 year old...

    yo cumpli un año
    Cuando tenia un año me caí por las escaleras..
  • When i 2 years old

    I changed my house, rented an apartment house next to my father's mother
  • 3 years old

    A boy pushed me to the floor when the slide went up, I fell and drew blood ...
  • moving house again

    I changed my house at 4 years because it was a rental house and decided to switch to Roquetas
  • In this time..

    I started preschool but I go
  • 5 years old , school Juan de Orea!!

    I used to be in the sea belonged to Juan de Orea College
    My friends had a great time, the courtyard were two had for both the small and large as in the little park had ..
    I loved school
  • In 2005..

    I arrived to las marinas.
  • I live in Las Marinas

    I changed my home at las marinas for school change
  • 2010!

    primary end we have recently come from the study tour