Picture 0052

MIss Esposito's Achievements

By pbworks
  • Miss Esposito Graduated from Bay Shore High School

    Miss Esposito Graduated from Bay Shore High School
  • Miss Esposito begins her Freshman Year of College @ Saint Joseph's

    Miss Esposito begins her Freshman Year of College @ Saint Joseph's
  • Miss Esposito Graduates from Saint Joseph's College with a BA in Secondary Education English with a minor in Psychology

    Miss Esposito Graduates from Saint Joseph's College with a BA in Secondary Education English with a minor in Psychology
  • Miss Esposito has a leave replacement in the English Department for 11 and 12 grade

    Miss Esposito has a leave replacement in the English Department for 11 and 12 grade
  • Miss Esposito is hired to be the Learning Center Teacher at the Bay Shore High School

    Miss Esposito is hired to be the Learning Center Teacher at the Bay Shore High School
  • Miss Esposito attends Saint Joseph's College for the MA Special Education Program

    Miss Esposito attends Saint Joseph's College for the MA Special Education Program
  • Miss Esposito graduates with an MA in Special Education 7-12 with an Annotation in Severe and Multiple Disabilities

    Miss Esposito graduates with an MA in Special Education 7-12 with an Annotation in Severe and Multiple Disabilities