Dalton state welcome sign

Dalton State Graduate Internship: Offices of Student Activities and Housing and Judicial Affairs

  • First Visit to Dalton State

    • "Get acquinted" breakfast with Campus Activities Board *Meet office staff in Student Center *Outline of job description with internship supervisors *Orientation Training and tour of campus
    11:00am-5pm 7.5 HOURS
  • Week One: Day One

    Week One: Day One
    Housing/Judicial: 2pm-6pm
    *Met with Kristen (housing supervisor) for an introduction of Housing
    *Office orientation
    *Performed administrative tasks; delievered mail to residents
    *Shadowed Kristen for tours and showrooms
    *Posted program advertisements on each apartment door Student Activities: 10:30am-2pm
    *Introduction to Student Activities office and staff
    *Compiling team builders for Campus Activities Board 7.5 HOURS
  • Period: to

    Dalton State College Graduate Internship: Offices of Student Activities and Housing and Judicial Affairs

  • Week One: Day Two

    Week One: Day Two
    Housing/ Judicial: 9am-12noon
    *Assigned special projects by Kristen
    *Shopped for supplies to make poster for orientation
    *Began working on poster Student Activities: 1pm-5pm
    *Meeting with Jami to set schedule and expectations
    *Began reseearch on training topics for Campus Activities Board 7 HOURS
  • Week One: Day Three

    Week One: Day Three
    Housing/ Judicial: 9am-12noon; 8pm-11:30pm
    *Finishing up orientation poster
    *Preparation and set-up of educational program: "Sex in the Dark" Student Activities: 1-5pm
    *Organization of special projects
    *Researched Leadership Application Packets 10.5 HOURS
  • Week One: Day Four

    Week One: Day Four
    Housing/ Judicial: 9am-12noon
    *Researching roommate agreements and contracts Student Activities: 1-5pm
    *Creating Leadership Application Packets (ie-criteria, awards, completion dates, etc.) 7 HOURS
  • Week One: Day Five

    Week One: Day Five
    Housing/ Judicial: 9am-1pm; 4pm-7pm
    *Attended Transfer Student Orientation
    *Held duty phone (checked-in resident, keyed in resident)
    *Gave housing tour to prospectives students Student Activities: 1pm-4pm
    *Leadership Application Packet, cont. 10 HOURS
  • Week Two: Day One

    Week Two: Day One
    Housing/ Judicial: 9am-12noon
    *Roommate Agreement/Contract cont. Student Activities: 1pm-5pm
    *Meeting with Jami
    *Editting of Leadership Application Packet
    *Planning and preparation for CAB training
    *Emailed CAB Executive Board members for input on training 7 HOURS
  • Week Two: Day Two

    Housing/ Judicial: 9am-12noon
    *Working on roommate brochure
    *Editting roommate agreement Student Activities: 1pm-6:30pm
    *Meeting with CAB Chair and Publisher for suggestions on CAB training
    *Set tenative schedule for CAB training 8.5 HOURS
  • Week Two: Day Three

    Week Two: Day Three
    Housing/Judicial: 9am-12noon
    *Conversing with staff about future programs
    *Roommate aggreements Student Activities: 1pm-5pm
    *CAB Training Schedule
    *Getting suggestions for trainig speakers 7 HOURS
  • Week Two: Day Four

    Housing/ Judicial: 9am-12noon
    *Meeting with Kristen about more special projects and progress Student Activities: 1pm-6:30pm
    *CAB Newsletter
    *Met with CAB chair for training overview 8.5 HOURS
  • Week Two: Day Five

    Week Two: Day Five
    Housing/Judicial: 9am-2pm
    *Freshman orientation session
    *Housing information table Student Activities: 2pm-5pm
    *Freshman orientation sessions
    *Reviewed orientation evaluations 8 HOURS
  • Week Two: Day Six

    Housing/ Judicial:
    *Meeting with RA staff in preparation of Photo Scavenger Hunt 2 hours
  • Week Three: Day One

    Housing/Judicial: 9am-12noon
    *Working on resource binder for upcoming year
    *Visiting different businesses for brouchures and information Student Activities: 1pm-5pm
    *Confirmed presenters and speakers for CAB Training
    *Revised CAB Training Schedule 7 HOURS
  • Week Three: Day Two

    Housing/Judicial: 9am-12noon; 5pm-8pm
    *Made advertisements for Photo Scavenger Hunt
    *Prepared for Water Baloon Fight by filling 1,000 water balloons Student Activities: 1pm-5pm
    *Made training cover pages
    *Editted Leadership Application Packet (Draft Three) 10 HOURS
  • Week Three: Day Three

    Week Three: Day Three
    Housing/Judicial: 9am-12:30pm; 5-5:30pm; 9pm-11pm
    *Resource notebook cont.
    *Staff Meeting
    *Recipient of the "U ROCK" Award Student Activities: 1pm-5pm
    *Began creating programming proposal and evaluation for campus activities 10 HOURS
  • Week Three: Day Four

    Week Three: Day Four
    Student Activities: 8am-3pm
    *CAB Training preparation 7 HOURS
  • Week Three: Day Five

    Housing/Judicial: 2:30pm-8:30pm
    *Meeting with RAs and Civic Engagement Intern
    *Preparation for Housing program 6 HOURS
  • Week Four: Day One

    Housing/Judcial: 9am-12noon
    *Visiting different companies in Dalton for brochures and menus for resource notebooks Student Activities: 1pm-5pm
    *Organizing CAB notebooks for individual executive board members 7 HOURS
  • Week Four: Day Two

    Week Four: Day Two
    Housing/Judicial: 9am-12noon
    *Continued search for business brochures for resource binders Student Activities: 1pm-5pm
    *Prepared for CAB Training
    *Worked on props for advertisement session
    *Learned how to use circut die cut machine 7 HOURS
  • Week Four Day Three

    Week Four Day Three
    Housing/Judicial: 9am-1pm; 9pm-11pm
    *Gathered materials for resource binders Student Activities: 1pm-5pm
    *Accumulated more team builders for training
    *Researched leadership training activities 10 HOURS
  • Week Four: Day Four

    Housing/Judicial: 9am-12noon
    *Visited the Georgia Welcome Center for more information on Georgia attractions near Dalton Student Activities: 1pm-5pm
    *Created time manangement checklist, case study, and activitiy for training session 7 HOURS
  • Week Four: Day Five

    Housing/Judicial: 2pm-7:30pm
    *Shopping for materials to decorate the Housing showcase apartment Student Activities: 9am-11:00am
    *Finalized leadership activities for training session 7.5 HOURS
  • Week Four: Day Six

    Week Four: Day Six
    Housing/Judicial: 1pm-6pm
    *Painted canvas for showroom 5 HOURS
  • Week Four: Day Seven

    Housing/Judicial: 3pm-7pm
    *Rearranged showroom furniture and decor 4 HOURS
  • Week Five: Day One

    Housing/Judicial: 12noon-5pm; 6-8pm
    *Paint canvas for showroom
    *Decorating showroom 7 HOURS
  • Week Five: Day Two

    Housing and Student Activities: 9am-12noon;1pm-5pm Worked on major projects 7 HOURS
  • Week Five: Day Three

    Housing and Student Activities: 9am-12noon; 1pm-5pm Major projects, cont. 7 HOURS
  • Week Five: Day Four

    Housing/Judicial: 9am-12noon
    *Worked on Dalton Resource Binder Student Activities: 1pm-5pm
    *Meeting with Jami
    *CAB training preparation 7 HOURS
  • Week Five: Day Five

    Housing and Student Activities: 9am-12noon; 1pm-5pm Major projects, cont.
  • Week Five: Day Six

    Housing/Judicial: 1pm-3pm Scavengar Hunt Program 2 HOURS
  • Week Six: Day One

    Week Six: Day One
    Student Activities: 9am-6pm
    CAB Training Topics *Ice Breakers
    *Welcome and Job Descriptions
    *Motivational Speaker
    *Aprons for Welcome Week 9 HOURS
  • Week Six: Day Two

    Week Six: Day Two
    Student Activities: 9am-6pm
    CAB Training Topics *Team Building
    *History of DSC
    *Diversity 9 HOURS
  • Week Six: Day Three

    Week Six: Day Three
    Student Activities: 9am-6pm; 7pm-10pm
    CAB Training Topics *Team Building
    *Contract Reading
    *Office Orientation
    *Programming and Advertisement *Preparation for the next day of training 12 HOURS
  • Week Six: Day Four

    Student Activities: 9am-7pm
    CAB Training Topics *Team Building
    *Technical Training
    *Publisher Training
    *Welcome Week Meeting *Preparation for the next day of training 10 HOURS
  • Week Six: Day Five

    Housing/Judicial: 9am-12noon
    *Designed housing t-shirt
    *Ordered posters for showroom Student Activities: 1pm-5pm
    CAB Training Topics *Team Building
    *Pictures for CAB website
    *Time Management 8 HOURS
  • Week Seven: Day One

    Housing/Judicial: 9am-1pm; 7pm-1am
    *Created forms for Wood Valley desk binder
    *Finishing Resource Binder Student Activities: 1pm-5pm
    *Leadership Awards and Criteria posted on DSC website
    *Meeting to revise CAB mission statement and learning outcomes 13 HOURS
  • Week Seven: Day Two

    Housing/Judicial: 9am-1pm
    *Meeting with Kristen Student Activities: 1pm-6pm
    *Individual meeting with Jami
    *Student Activities assessment meeting
    *CAB Executive Board mission and job description powerpoint for DSC website 9 HOURS
  • Week Seven: Day Three

    Week Seven: Day Three
    Housing/Judicial: 9pm-12am
    *Staff Meeting
    * Finishing touches on showroon Student Activities: 11am-5pm
    *CAB Work Day
    *Creating evaluations for CAB training and programming 9 HOURS
  • Week Seven: Day Four

    Week Seven: Day Four
    Housing and Student Activities: 8am-3pm
    *Putting finishing touches on final projects
    *Downloading all of the documents created to the DSC drive for future reference
    *Last luncheon with internship supervisors, CAB, and RAs 7 HOURS